
As much as I love this, I think it's time to rethink tactics against this administration. Criticizing Trump doesn't seem to work; the man is shameless. But we've reach the point where his shame is clearly visible and transferable to those around him. He won't be out of office by Friday if we don't start pressuring the

Sure, why not?

Today, just before this presser, the leader of the North Carolina KKK released a recording praising the murder of Heather Heyer as a victory for their white nation. These are the people Trump defended today. They will not go away, they will try this again. He is encouraging domestic terrorism.

The GOP was already abandoning him, before this. It doesn't matter what his biased media and base does, all that matters is what Congress does. He has burned all those bridges.

This is it. This has to be it. This is the most shockingly immature display of weaponized ignorance I have ever seen come out of his mouth, at the time when we needed a leader from his administration most. He's arguing in defense of white supremacists like a high school freshman on Facebook, throwing spite and

They've already been breaking ranks. This… is a battle line.

S/T is the comedown for sure. A lot of half-realized tracks on that one, and the minimal arrangements didn't do her style any favors.

I wish I liked her new song as much as she likes saying the word 'fuck' in it…

Not agree, in fact I think this episode was a rather defiant statement of disagreement, but they do clearly share his impulses and concerns.

The reason that doesn't work, and why it will never work despite the idea being interesting at a cursory glance, is because Mulder was often RIGHT. At least half the time. That was the central conflict of the show. Associating Mulder with modern right-wing conspiracies isn't just lazy, it's irresponsible and

He was visibly shaken by the situation and clearly acting irrational. I understand how what he said was intended to soften the blow of his death for the audience, and if it did for you that's great, but for me it just made his character all the more real. He wasn't a good person, but he was trying to be a hero. And

It's too late. The seed has been planted…

Nihilism is not so focused in indulging one's own ego and vengeance though. What he did in this episode was personal, it was sadistic, and it was villainous. In the big picture these things don't mean so much, which is how Rick excuses himself, but the question the show seems to be leading up to is if Morty can do the

I'm torn, as I really hated parts of it, but I enjoyed the psychological depths they reached with Rick and some of the Vindicator characters, and the jokes were on-point. I'm not sure that excuses the unrepentent gloom of the last half of the episode though. The first Vindicator death shown in particular is an

He's smart enough to know the only thing that objectively has any meaning or importance to him is himself, and that's why he hates everybody who doesn't appreciate him (like Noob Noob).

Just wait until he shows off his 'expanded nuclear arsenal' to Brian Williams, THEN he will finally be a respectable president worth of praise.

It's odd how 'the strongest possible terms' never really reads like the strongest possible terms, isn't it?

My personal theory is that children's authors focus on death so often because they envy the youth they'll never regain, and this knowledge of their own fading mortality tempts them to draw it from others. There is no objective reason for so many youth tales to dwell so deeply on death, in fact most of us as kids

In concept, I love Luke Cage. I am not hating on it for its ambition. I agree it's a great idea. But wowzers… Look, I'm just glad it was what I wished it would to be for other people. I wish it were that for me.

Wait, it got WORSE after the first two episodes?!