
That might be what made it so laughable to me. The fact that good parts existed, such as the music and performances and editing, in juxtaposition to the truly terrible writing, cinematography, and cultural references.

You say this AVClub, but you also recommended Luke Cage to me, and that was… just the worst.

Fair enough. Perhaps I've let my perception be tainted by personal encounters with aethists that put on the appearance of knowing for certain religion is false. Regardless, I don't see either aethists or agnostics as seeking the middle ground. The concept of religion, at least the religions I've encountered, is an

This is not normal. There is good in the world. You are a part of it. Plant it, grow it, guard it… We will need it. Thank you for not giving up.

'You think our country is so innocent?'

You're on to something, but I think you need to define more what a 'rotten idea' is. Any idea that infringes on the rights of others can be seen as intolerant, and as such should not be tolerated. Protecting the liberties of others should always be the goal. If you want to use your liberty to try to take away the

-John 6:9

By definition, the one thing it opposes is the opposition to itself. That would be an intriguing concept if it weren't soiled by self-righteous ignoramuses.

Watch closely. He's reading from a prepared speech definitely written by somebody with more poise than him designed carefully to do just that: Phrase this generally and try to unite the nation as vaguely as possible. And then he goes off-script in one of his classic improvisational asides to stress, in no uncertain

I think 'fake news' is arguably worse at this point, but neither are good signs…

Please? Can we go right now, together? You can even bring the stupid monkey, I don't care, just get me out of here.

It may be entertainment news, but it sure wasn't entertaining.

I stand by what I said, as this is sadly not surprising. Again, I won't begrudge your position, because I'm fucking heartbroken by this situation. At the same time, I'm proud they've chosen to fight against this. The alt-right came to this protest armed and ready for war. I don't think now is the time to cede any

I agree with you to an extent. I believe there should be counter-protesters, and a lot of them. That's the true expression of our freedom of speech and right to assemble. The antagonism and violence that we all know will occur at this demonstration is the problem, and I wish it were possible to remove those rowdy

I'm agnostic because I'm not conceited enough to believe I can know anything for certain that is so great and abstract. Looking at your post, you seem confident in your ability to definitively label or compartmentalize everything, which makes it very difficult to actually deal with people and accomplish any real

I'm having a hard time picturing two directors with more contrary styles. I can't imagine this ending well, even for fans of both.

Can we have one decade, just one, where there is more than one horror genre? I feel like people would complain less about toture porn if the next big horror release were jump scare ghost, and vice-versa. And then we can get some slasher whodunnits and alien hunters and sex vampires and brain invasions and werewuffs



I'm in the same position. I recognized it as an unsettling scene-setter to establish the off-kilter tone of the film and never thought twice about it. I feel like that sort of creative embellishment, silly or not, should be appreciated because it makes a film feel unique and organic when it's done appropriately. There