
I whip my hair back and forth I whip my hair back and forth.

When was the last time you heard a 13 year old black girl on the radio?

So, the crux of your argument is that if the music is “bad” (as judged by you and/or others...) then the artist is not allowed to draw from black influences or explore black sound... because it’s appropriating black culture to sell “bad music”

Jesus you use a lot of commas.

No at all. I simply thought you might find the psychological facts interesting or relevant. I don't assume you're confused - i assume you're uncomfortable, which is a changeable state, and aren't sure why, which you said.

This wouldn’t even be news if this wasn’t newsworthy!

Bobby, that Khloe emoji message is the best thing evah.

Can we knock it off with this “friend zone” crap? If you want to date someone and they don’t want to date you and you don’t want to be their friend then bounce. If you DO want to be their friend then awesome. Friends are rad! Knock off the dating creeper attempts and move on with your life. Women don’t “put” men into

Hahahahahahahahahahaha...oh you’re serious.


Out of curiosity, was Hillary asked if she was racist for trying to get in the way of the first Black president? I don’t remember that happening but I could have missed it. Has Hillary been asked if she is being anti-Semitic for standing in the way of the first Jewish president?

For real, though, that is an incredibly dumb question.

Apart from the anal sex stupid remark at the end.

It seems like all arguments in defense of sex work use the logic of labor — that it’s a perfect right to perform work in exchange for money, and that sex shouldn’t be treated any differently. The thing is, we don’t really believe that, and the difference shows up viscerally when we talk about children. If you pay your

Everything he’s saying applies to sex workers who are trafficked, coerced, or forced by desperate circumstances into an industry they don’t really want to be in, but it doesn’t apply to sex workers who are working safely, legally and by choice. To be fair to President Carter, there are more in the first category.

Deciding her best friend shouldn’t get married or she’s in love with him is a shitty thing to do. Being excluded from your best friend’s pre-wedding weekend getaway because you have the wrong body parts is a shitty thing to do.

Just looked it up: 121. Yikes. I love that movie.

IIRC , his character was supposed to be over 100.

He looks slightly different here

I don’t get the appeal of letting strangers stay in your home. You know that they are snooping through everything.