
This is a garbage take. Every single point.

Battle Of The Waving Noodle Person Thingys Outside Of A Car Dealership

I always feel survivor takes on a different meaning in terms of child abuse (as someone who has also experienced it). Typically, the abuse isn’t a one-off event, it’s something sustained over years. You become a survivor like similarly to a POW: it’s something that you’ve managed to outlive, rather than an event

Landlords always need permission to enter the house, even for maintenance. They can do reasonable inspections, with notice (usually 24 hours), and not excessively often. If your lease states otherwise, it’s probably unenforceable.

Radiohead releases a new album and Jon Snow resurrected in the same week.

Hold up, I got a better one:

They might have taken off their seatbelts to you know. Try and escape the car?

Perhaps I haven’t searched hard enough, but I don’t think anyone is saying they deserved to die because they ran from cops. They died because they made a mistake. You can’t blame the officers for not risking their lives to save theirs. Police have an obligation to do whatever they can within reasonable limits, but

I love his obvious joy at spending time with all children. I love his genuine charming enthusiasm for everything. You can see the dorky smart eleven-year-old he must have been inside, still thinking”I can’t believe I get to do this for part of my job!”

No, Looper’s time line mechanics suck. Causality is only a problem with a single fixed un-repairing timeline. We already have some quantum theory evidence that that is not the case.

In their world the time machine was built, they used it to go back in time and stop the machine from being built, they are now stuck in

I saw 4 this some kind of test?

On the other hand

Maybe it’s a bit unfair because we tend to focus on the high-profile cases where things go terribly wrong, but I feel like any police intervention with a mentally unstable person that doesn’t end in death these days can be viewed as something of a success.

Me too. They both are/were total fascist hubris maniacs - who perpetrate the *actions* of monsters. They are devoid of human empathy - disconnected from what makes us human. Don’t buy the whole, “we should just have more compassion for them” thoughtline. People like this *eat that up*, they game it to increase their

I don’t remember biology class all that well, but if you cut open a woman’s “stomach” all you get is her last meal, not her womb or her unborn baby.

No it isn’t. His job description is acting in films and promoting those films if his contract states so. People might be excited to see him in public, but that doesn’t mean that get to act like assholes.

Now playing

The brilliant soundtrack by Bear McCreary doesn’t hurt either.

“Please explain comedy to me.”