You’re reading a “... for Hillary” where this post does not include one. Donald Trump does not do anything for anyone who is not Donald Trump.
You’re reading a “... for Hillary” where this post does not include one. Donald Trump does not do anything for anyone who is not Donald Trump.
I think he might've been joking?
So if someone came into your house and gunned down a guest, and then the family of your guest sued you for not hiring armed guards for your house, you’d go bankrupt rather than do anything to defend yourself? You’d accept the loss of all your money, your home, a good chunk of your prospects for retirement because…
That’s why I pack all kinds of random shit under there, I tell everyone that it’s because I’m a slob, but really it’s so nobody can fit in there.
“Narcissism is awful, and young people are the worst, but isn’t this 16-year-old girl super hot?”
Maybe it’s time you embraced something new....With arms wide open.
Actually, isn’t that Elizabeth Warren?
He doesn’t want to win. He just doesn’t. He never thought he’d get the nomination, nobody did, it was just a ploy to get some free publicity, which is what he really lives for. But now that there is a chance he could win, he’s panicking because he knows he can’t govern. He doesn’t want to actually sit down and set…
“Orange Hatred” is my least favorite flavor of Gatorade.
It’s like Patton Oswalts bit. I’d rather have an ally who used poor phrasing than an enemy of he cause who knows all the terminology and uses it correctly to perpetuate their shitty values.
Yes, it is extremely difficult to do, and yes, good for him. I don’t understand people shitting on someone trying to make money legally. Having good looks and getting a big break is how models...become models. Because he has a record, should he not be able to work at all? Or maybe he should only be able to make…
Jesus Christ who said anything about partners, for fucks sake? Can’t a woman just ride the dick for a minute and go?
“Mother May I Sleep With Bat Boy?” on Lifetime.
I whip my hair back and forth I whip my hair back and forth.
When was the last time you heard a 13 year old black girl on the radio?
So, the crux of your argument is that if the music is “bad” (as judged by you and/or others...) then the artist is not allowed to draw from black influences or explore black sound... because it’s appropriating black culture to sell “bad music”
No at all. I simply thought you might find the psychological facts interesting or relevant. I don't assume you're confused - i assume you're uncomfortable, which is a changeable state, and aren't sure why, which you said.