Well worth it... :)
Well worth it... :)
Oh, but I doooo remember her. Because I’m old. I was a fully fledged adult during the trial. I was coming here to ask what character she was playing. :)
Hilarious because I’m watching tv, reading and shopping online all at the same time - RIGHT NOW! :)
It has to go through a process here in LA county - eviction proceeding/judgement, then writ of possession, then requesting the sheriff schedule the lock out - total process AFTER the 6 - 8 week eviction process takes 2 - 3 more weeks, if they don’t leave voluntarily. It sucks.
Noooo, I stopped giving him a ride weeks ago. He stopped going to that job weeks ago and he lost it. But I also felt like if I said no I’d be setting myself up for more vengeance so I would have if he’d not decided not to go to work. I thought at the time that he was either wounded in the room b/c she took it out on…
Me too. Thank you so much. This might be considered a tiny amount of justice - she’s been overtaken by some horrible digestive malady so she spends a lot of time in the bathroom, so at least I know she’s miserable on at least one level. :)
Cat is sleeping in my lap as we speak. :)
Thanks much for the solidarity - I feel better just talking about it. I can’t talk to anyone at work - it’s a new job and what a way to introduce yourself to your colleagues and bosses. My direct supervisor knows, since I’ve had to take time off for the trial and stuff.
Yes. He goes to work at some point during the day. Her job mysteriously disappeared the day after she moved in, so she’s home 99% of the time.
Don’t know yet. They’re supposed to leave by Sunday. If they don’t leave I file for a writ of possession - 5 to 7 days to process. After I get the writ, they send it to the sheriff. 5 to 7 days to process. Business days. They could be here another three weeks.
Ok Jezzies, I need some moral support. I have a spare bedroom that I have successfully rented (furnished) for two weeks at a time to people who are moving to town and looking for their own place. It’s worked out really well for me - I don’t have a permanent roomie, I make a few dollars occasionally, and people get a…
You are a prince among men. I consider myself pretty self-sufficient, but turn into a completely incapable ninny when I see a spider, and I have no control over it.
The lipstick charger and car charger cannot be purchased together for $10 as you state - only one code is allowed for a total of $15.99
The lipstick charger and car charger cannot be purchased together for $10 as you state - only one code is allowed…
Yeah, Ranger E. 5th Ave here.
Why yes, person who completely misunderstood what I was saying, tell me to shut the fuck up when you know absolutely nothing about me other than the fact I could give a shit about the opinions of strangers. (Psst...that means you.)
Why does it matter to you what she said? Does she now have the power to enact legislation? Give her opinion the same weight you’d give some other stranger’s with whom you disagree - none.
Holy shit, I can’t believe how much credence some people are giving the opinion of a rock star of ever-diminishing relevance. Who the fuck is anyone to question anyone else’s experience?