
Really ? She is a woman who has been regurlarly stolen huge amouts of money by people manipulating her while she was in no state to see them for what they are.

True, but that looks like a shitty Naughty Nurse Halloween costume. Ugh.

“Ballet in Balmain” —A friend was asking why people hate her so much. It’s because of statements like this, which equate experience (the dance) with appearance (the outfit). Also, does she imply a rhyme between those two words? Because there ain't none.

Hahahaha re “Why does that baby have so much hair?”

Speaking of sleeping in the back seat - did you have the sensation/experience that when you fell asleep in the car in that way there was a particular and different feeling to everything?

Benadryl does this to me :(. I will take it and feel extremely “out of it,” but completely unable to fall asleep. It’s maddening.

I broke my ankle on this post.

When asked “Did you ever think ‘Why are all these women in here? I thought this was supposed to be a man’s movie?’”during a Mad Max: Fury Road press conference at Cannes, my side piece Tom Hardy responded with a succinct and annoyed “no.”

Of course that fucker brags about raping women.

I don’t see how inviting her to travel with him is over the top, it makes perfect sense, furthering the aims of his organisation, talking to others to help prevent more crimes like hers; it’s the natural progression for him from forgiveness to activism.

I find it sad you can’t fathom forgiveness at all; I imagine it was extremely hard for him but he’s a good man for managing to get there. The first step I imagine is rehumanising the offender, the criminal justice system and the press dehumanise criminals using words like “monster” and “animal” to forget they are

Because to be able to forgive someone for something horrible they’ve done to you or someone you love is the sign of an exceptionally good person? Because to recognize that someone who does something evil isn’t necessarily evil themselves, but a flawed human being who maybe is still deserving of compassion is an

True. The world is crazy. People like you aspire to keep it so.


I feel the need to point out to my fellow Americans that graft in English means honest, and hard work. For my fellow Englishers, the American sense is the opposite: dishonest, and easy work, particularly bribery. (And in English, that sense is covered by the word “politics”.)

I want to pitch my idea for a reality show: get a bunch of poor people and have them battle lions in a kind of coliseum situation. They don’t have a lot to lose, and it would make GREAT entertainment.

John Wick is great, I’m very excited that they greenlit the sequel.

Babies and toddlers are disgusting creatures who are probably the main source of such human filth. They are constantly leaking one kind of bodily excrement or another and will happily eat from an unwashed pet dish because they and the animal are best friends. They will play with random animal poop found in play-area

I’m not attracted to Black people either, and I’m Black. I also have known quite a few other people who either expressed or demonstrated a marked preference for one (or two) ethnicity over others.