
What is this, a post for ants?

It's also a candid shot that appears to be between takes, I wouldn't read too much into his expression.

Well he doesn't seem to be acting in that photo...

I’m a bit ashamed to admit I’ve seen two episodes and, yeah, it is pretty absurd. They not only do ridiculous things with computers but then the writers seem to be confused and think Patricia Arquette is still a medium or something because in both episodes she disengages from the technology and tries to engage with

I saw the end of this and, my god, it’s full of stars!

FLOTUS is amazing and I love pretty much everything she does. Kill it, girlfriend. Black girls DO rock.

Because citing the expectation of poor performance as a reason for not giving a book floor space smacks of prejudice? I’ve obviously done no research to determine if Walmart has previously indicated that a product was only available online because it was expected to sell poorly.

It’s not that weird. If I’m selling a product, I’m not going to create a self-fulfilling prophecy by telling you I don’t think it will sell. Saying that would compromise the ability to sell the book.

Wait, star for "justify" but also Callie is definitely a hero and a hilarious writer. Please write more.

Which A Song of Ice and Fire book is this from? ;-)

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I think the Pickle-Tip guy was a malfunctioning outer space robot from Mars. See, he heard, "Don't take any wooden nickles," and then glitched it into "don't take any wooden pickles," and then misinterpreted that to mean "The earth-humans demand gifts of pickles plaaced upon the wooden table. I have pleases Emperor

One time when I was outside of a Cheesecake Factory smoking a cigarette a man propositioned me thinking I was a hooker.

I had a table once whisper loudly to their children, "if you don't go to college, you'll end up waiting tables like her..." while I was prebussing their table.

You’ll never be able to convince the majority of commenters here otherwise though, I’ve noticed that many of them continue to insist that there’s some kind of white privilege going on if you happen to disagree with them on these type of articles.

it was obviously not just a play on them looking alike.

I’m familiar with the controversy, I was just rewatching the clip above. I find myself agreeing with some points that each of these men make to a degree, and it’s a very important conversation that isn’t addressed honestly very often. I do enjoy hearing people disagree in an intelligent way.

Ya I’m not getting the outrage here: the comparison was clearly about their appearances, which are quite similar, not their ideologies.

What needs were those o.O