
You knew really interesting people in high school. I don’t know anyone who DID try to make an explosive.

Speaking as an American and a Muslim, I want nothing to do with these assholes.

Because she is a woman, she is by definition “built like a woman.” The factory offers more than just one model.

And, again, you’re still using the same illogical “I’m not a member of X, so I can’t speak intelligently about them.”

I’m sure historians around the world would be aghast at the knowledge that not being Greek means they cannot teach Greek history. Do you have any idea how stupid that sounds?

But “black face” is a cultural artifact that has a long history and definitions. One isn’t required to be black to know what constitutes “black face” - you just have to know what factually constitutes black face. If a black person came on to Jezebel and defined “black face” as black people using mime make up, that

I’m not white and I don’t think this is blackface. Newsflash to the outraged people, black people are not metallic robots...

Blackface never meant “having a black face”, anyway. It means, “performing a gross racial caricature of black people”. Is she doing that? No. Is there any indication whatsoever that this was some kind of racist caricature? No. The manufactured outrage is fucking inane. Furthermore, getting het up about irrelevant shit

Sadly I’ve to come realize that apparently in our society every leg that’s not a stick leg is a “thick” leg.

Jerry O'Connell has been married for like 8 years. Juliana Rancic is digging deep to get people to like her racist ass.

Ha, I also feel like Jesus wasn't this much of a dick. :-)

If you would care to explain how a company hoarding a thing people need to survive then selling it back to them at a massive profit ISN'T sociopathic, I'd be happy to have that discussion with you.

Can you explain to me how bottling and selling water during a drought is not sociopathic? If corporations are people then Nestle meets every single criteria for sociopathy. You actually come off as more concerned for the feelings of this entity than what it is doing to our collective resources, which is absurd. You

No, you. Pinkham was stating a simple fact. Corporations have one purpose: to make money. They're amoral. When they do nice things, it's for PR, which enhances profit.

I drink water from my fridge that's been filtered, so I guess that's tap water? I would never drink straight from the pipes due to the awful taste from both natural minerals and lead/rust in old pipes.

This is an excellent point. If they are this strict about yoga being Hindu, they need to admit that Halloween, Christmas and Easter are all derived from Celtic and Germanic Pagan rites of the solstice and equinox, and re-purposed by conquering Romans during the christianization of Europe. You got your nature worship

I think Madge’s post is actually an old picture from her “Sex” book back in the 90s.