
My wife and I got married in March, on an exceptionally reasonable budget.

Finally my social anxiety (I'd be scared shitless being at the center of attention) and lack of people in my life (my family is insane, and I have few close friends, which would make for an embarrassing Groom #1 side of the aisle) have come in use, and saved me thousands.

It's really bad when a comment is better written, sourced and just generally of journalistic merit than the article. Thanks for doing the legwork.

Quickness and efficiency is good when you're a tech support for Microsoft or some shit. If you want accurate, reliable information being relayed to you by a victim of a sexual assault, you can't act like tech support. You'd think that'd be common sense.

Maybe I've just got a bad string of operators, but I thought it was standard for operators to be disengaged from the situation and just ask for the bare facts? I don't agree with the practice, but dispatchers need to get information in order to get emergency services where they need to go and an initial statement on

That is completely irrelevant. (And incorrect. I'm facinating) but the point is, pointing a camera in someone's face is potentially annoying, and to not recognize that is pretty ignorant.

unfortunately for you, the generation you honestly think is all about "hey kid, get off my lawn" isn't much older than you. and it'll be a long while before i...nay, "we" become compost. take off your gg's when asked, don't be a dick about it, and respect other people's wishes. it's really as simple as that.

Well.... that's down right Dickensian. You forgot to thrown in the part about how her dying decreases the surplus population.

What do you mean "we", Kimosabe? Seriously, the "We" stuff is super-pretentious or just weird.

Clearly there are some misunderstandings and ignorance of the device. But Glassholes (and that's a subset of Glass users, not all of them) aren't helping matters by being douchey about wearing them everywhere and not being considerate of others. They want everyone to treat them with respect but don't want to return

Or is it that when talking to someone they could be internet surfing or surripticiously recording our interaction? At best it can be rude. That they call themselves "Explorers' reinforces the sense of entitlement they bought from Google.

There's something inherently antisocial about strapping a camera to your face and then going out in public. It's not about functionality or effectiveness, it's about the statement you're making (or perceived to be making). Sorry if you can't understand that, but all the rationalization in the world isn't going to

No, that's absolutely not a hate crime. It's a crime, for sure. But something doesn't just become a hate crime because it has a motive. Everything would be a hate crime if that were true. The motive currently has to be based on race, religion, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or

I always find the excuse "But everyone is walking around with a camera anyway." to be ridiculous as it is in no way at all comparable to someone having a camera pointed at my face all the time. Which is what happens if you're interacting with someone wearing GG.

I imagine, for a good strapless bra, I'd need something with a scaffolding like support system in front that moves along on a set of rotating wheels while you walk. Like a support walker but for your breasts. That would work.

I think strapless bras for any boobs are a lie. I'm a "nearly B" and I've never found one that didn't succumb to gravity.

May I suggest not wearing pants at all but perhaps some sort of loose, overalls based ensemble? Maybe with a couple accessories to make it pop?

Kids these days! No sense of fun!! No sense of adventures!!

Having not watched any of these people, it seems like there's a weird, triangular dynamic in play.

He is so smarmy that I can't even find him handsome. I don't tend to care about celebrity scandals, but I'm going to be all over it when she finds out that he's cheating on her.