
I used to work with this one guy with one leg. (He was one of the higher-functioning clients at a day program for people with developmental disabilities.) When we went to the grocery store he would always ask for the motorized scooters so he could back them into me repeatedly while laughing his ass off. Then he would

So every woman who exists MUST be interested in feminism? She didn't say something stupid about it. She simply said she wasn't interested. Feminists honor a woman's right to make her own choices, no? So shouldn't LDR be allowed to choose not to be interested in feminism? And dumbing down her SpaceX interest by saying

Gender equality just isn't everyone's passion, and y'all are gonna have to learn to make your peace with that instead of picking on people for it. It's fine, really! I bet many of you are just bored to tears by environmental activism, or by trying to find a cure for cancer, or economic justice, or whatever other

also, this title should probably be "lana del rey doesn't like talking about feminism, reporters push the subject, we decide to complain about her and not them."

That was badly worded. What I had in mind was that many cultures that we perceive today as being distinct actually arose due to cultural appropriation. One of the best examples of cultural appropriation is the evolution of language. The point is that cultural appropriation, like diversity, tends to enrich people's

Charlize Theron had a relationship with that lead singer. Between your story and now Sean Penn I think she has two eyes that are blind.

Yeah, if Amy Poehler had been offended, this might be a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT story. But it's not a different story. Amy told the story because she thought it was hilariously funny. Also, she didn't take Jon seriously because, afterall, he was joking.

actor makes a comment that was treated as a joke at the time and was later reported as a joke.

I'm gonna guess that it was one of those deadpanned jokes like, "here's this woman who is going through a meltdown and this guy disarms her by coming over and pretending he is more important." And coming from Jon Hamm, who probably is already dressed up like Don Draper, I'm sure it really helped break the ice.

I'm sure I'll get vilified for this, but… I believe his apology. The paparazzo knew what he was doing and got the reaction he was hoping for.

No, I'm practicing for the future. How am I doing?

Mark, has Buzzfeed started writing your headlines?

Your mom wishes you would call. Why don't you ever call?


Are you looking to hire? As a quality reviewer, I can be an essential asset to your team.

Nice photo, but I'm not sure how it proves all bodies are bikini bodies. I mean, I support any woman of any size and shape wearing a bikini if she wants to, but the women depicted here all have conventionally attractive shapes (wide hips/bum, narrower waist), taut and unstretchmarked skin, and flat bellies — this

Thank god, they're allowing everyone to be sexy. God forbid you just go to the damn beach to have a good time, or just, you know, swim.

Well, it's like anything, really. Escalator, aspirin, thermos, cellophane, yo-yo, zipper, etc. When something is popular enough, it becomes a genericized trademark. All of those things I mentioned were brand name trademarks that just got too popular for their own good and lost their trademarks.

If you're going to go after someone for her word choice, you should really get the word right. She used let, yet you repeatedly said, even put in quotation mars, "allow."

You're speaking to a group of women, many of which have been sexually assaulted. Rapists are no scare tactic that we employ; for us, they have names, faces, and very real lives that intertwine with our own.

I know where my rapist goes to school, and I know which bars he frequents. I know who he's friends with, and I