
My dad has never worn a ring. He works in construction. He could lose a finger.

I thought the "Healthy Grilling!" caption next to the plate of fried chicken was hilarious.

Well, you people can't even spell "color" or any word that ends in "ize" right, so clearly spelling isn't very important to you.

Where are our American kids?

With a son and a daughter I have seen the different ways people treat boys and girls from a very young age and agree that they should be treated as babies first and foremost. Allowing a girl to think prettiness is important or implying to a boy that physical strength is his main attribute can set them up for all kinds

Actually I am a feminist too. It means you believe in unquestionably in equality of the sexes, and am supportive of the various causes within. I feel the same way about lgbt issues. One doesn't have to buy into all of the philosophies that pop up in various movements to support what really matters.

I cannot imagine, to any degree, what it feels to not feel what you're told you are. All my life struggles (real ones that exist, yes) are confined to problems with life, death, and the shock of death (at ages and familial connections where it is genuinely disruptive to "normal" life) that are still "relatively" (and

Look, we all understand how society and our culture at large breeds misogyny. We talk about it all. the. time. And yeah, I bet it does make you feel like shit to be taught that your job as a man is to win the prize of a lady - and then you don't end up winning the lady. No sarcasm, I can honestly see how that can make

Of course there are, but you'll notice how he's treated by his fellow politicians:

97% of climate scientists form the majority opinion, but by all means, go with your gut. Faith-based opinions based on suspicion seem to satisfy folks who are unwilling to think critically.

"Is that why they keep topping the ratings and CNN is in the crapper? Couldn't be because people are tired for this crap shoved down their throats day in and day out."

Sorry pal, REJECTING YOU, by itself, is not treating you like dirt. No one owes you anything.

Last time I checked, when a girl is pressured by society into bulimia, she doesn't go around threatening to stick her fingers down other people's throats.

what they want isn't "most women", though. They feel entitled to the size 4, white, rich, blonde sorority girl (80% of this or more is about looking good to other men!) and see the women they could actually get as "beneath them".... while the women they want, are so far out of their league that they're in orbit. If

Sorry, but NdGT doesn't live in the same world that Sagan did. He's confrontational (and I use that word VERY loosely, as I really don't think it accurately describes the demeanor of the show) because we live in a world where the anti-science deniers are louder than ever and actively look to deceive people without the

Some of that may be Seth MacFarlane's influence; if you watch MacFarlane's shows, you know that he can be beyond grating when he decides he needs to Send a Message.

Whereas here in the UK the BBC gets in trouble for giving climate change deniers too much air time in an effort to be balanced.

I always find it amazing that this is an actual "thing" in America, that's taken seriously.

Same here! I am a bit worried however that our proximity to the dumbsplosion will scorch our shadows on a wall.