
My Big, Fat, Greek Wedding sequel?!?

Timothy Olyphant is one of the very few who exude charisma without cracking a smile. Holy shit, Deadwood.

Also Timothy Olyphant!

Jeez, Kelly. If you want better coverage of Jessica Simpson, write better coverage. Her pop songs and film career are irrelevant to her current career (and net worth) in the clothing biz.

If you're hanging out online and notice that Google changed their logo by a pixel or two, it's time for you to go outside.

I am greatly pleased that The Google finally adjusted the spacing in its logo so that it might be able to sell advertising between the second "o" and the second "g."

Take your conspiracy theorist bullshit elsewhere. I was using it as a simple numbers example. I didn't suggest a thing either, you're inferring that based on some deepseated need to believe everyone who disagrees with you is probably liberal scum, based on how quickly you jumped in with your crazy talk.

Ah good, so I assume you were also up in arms for the many, many more consulate attacks under Bush? Similarly, your side loves to bring this issue up, yet you still haven't faced the thousands of Americans killed in Iraq, or the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis killed.

Dude, chillax. Have a cold one. Kick back and enjoy a nice brat or burger. Pointing out proper grammar in a non-confrontational way does not warrant you jumping down my throat. incredibly patronising. I actually don't need "inspiring", I'm just having a crappy day and had a low moment. I really don't need to be condescended about my "life habits" either, which are pretty good thanks.

I'm confused. Being nasty is supposed to be... inspiring? I don't think that word means what you think it means.

I knew it!


I teach preschool and one of my students (age 5) recently asked if I was married. When I said no she gasped and looked shocked. Another student, a boy nodded thoughtfully and said "You are a woman alone". When I could talk without laughing I agreed but mentioned that we usually just refer to it as being single. The

This woman sounds like an idiot, but I can totally relate to saying inappropriate things to students. I teach a little Hebrew and, one time, one of the students pretended to have a seizure and went "I'm having a spaz attack!" All his classmates were laughing. I was offended because of the connotations between seizure

Well, I'm sorry for you. I thought you might be a troll, but it looks like you're just a very confused and misguided person who doesn't understand that thinking someone will be damned in the afterlife, that their attractions and love relationships are inherently unnatural and condemned by God IS hateful. You can

Please, by all means, discuss it. If you have the patience of a saint (because I am a deeply flawed person) you can even discuss it with me.

This wasn't in response to me, but this statement really leads me to think that you're just in here playing around and trying to piss people off. People have been trying to

I'm not going to try to convince you that rape culture exists, because you've clearly made up your mind and you refuse to consider the experiences of others as valid. I will explain to you why people are angry at you. It's because rape culture matters so little to you that you can't even be bothered to try to

Wow. Watching you rationalize what I've shown you is a real and present thing (art reflects our society) and what others have flat out told you has happened to them is stunning in its sadness. You won't see because it would mean accept that you are currently wrong and you refuse that outright. There's no way you