
Holy shit, I can’t believe how much credence some people are giving the opinion of a rock star of ever-diminishing relevance. Who the fuck is anyone to question anyone else’s experience?

No, idiot, she’s right when she said facetiously that she’s now an authority on rape. I was questioning why we consider her viewpoint at all important. She’s a rock singer. Fuck you, person with poor reading comprehension.

I know she is an iconic figure, but seriously, she’s right - since when did she become an authority on rape? I don’t know why we expect our entertainers to be paragons of virtue and sages when they’re famous for being entertainers. Let’s worry when actual “authorities on rape” spout nonsense, not when aging rock stars

Third from the right, you mean?

I love @probirdrights, even though I have a cat. (Who would probably enjoy being in a box. Not locked, but inside.)

What exactly is a “long elevator ride”? Does one normally take such an elevator ride with another person or persons, so that taking it alone is a sign of something being terribly wrong?

Anyone else see this? Strangely beautiful but weird movie about free diving, and the ending is apt. I have no idea if the protagonist’s love of free diving was a philosophy similar to Natalia’s, but it gets into the mindset pretty deeply. (And a bit on the trippy side, but it is Luc Besson.)

I really liked the song... :/

If you like period/historical shows, it’s certainly better than most of them. The only problem I really had with it was the lead. I guess it went three seasons, not two, too, so I have a season to catch up on!

Now playing

I don’t know - there were things about Borgia that were better than the Showtime version. I wouldn’t say “don’t watch it” but prepare to be pulled out of the show often because of how he sounds. I also didn’t understand why Lucrezia had a totally different accent, but that may be my American ears. I also loved the

I saw them both, and I enjoyed the Jeremy Irons one the most, and even though the other one was nearly equal in production values, etc. they cast John Dornan as Borgia, which was awful. He’s a fine actor, and perhaps would do well if the entire cast were American, or spoke with an American accent, but his was so

Came here to say the same thing - I can’t watch actual reality shows like this (but I’ll watch one where they actually create something, like Project Runway - which certainly is flawed - but at least they each have a reason to be there other than that they want to be, and they’re more than conventionally attractive)

I have no idea how big it is. Is it made from a real shoe? So you have half a shoe hanging around your neck? Is it miniaturized? I would love to see a photo of someone wearing this, either seriously or ironically, because both would be entertaining. (And it is so damned yellow. Has yellow taken over for orange now?)

The only downside to this is that they’ll be faced with the fact that their abstinence only policies are NOT working, at which point they’ll say this is making teen girls slutty and said teens are, willy nilly, choosing to “pre=abort” or some such nonsense.

You leave Neil Diamond out of this.

Well, if it’s a post complaining about the high cost of Swiffers and the only suggestion is the from the makers of the most expensive vacuum cleaners on the market, it’s a bit suspect, yes.

My boss once asked me to show him how to open a pdf in his browser. He was no longer on the page, so I had to go into his history because he didn’t know how to get back to it. The only thing in the day’s history was:

Thank you, please I will have another.

I believe it is.