
I love the Edwardian look. He wears it well, too.

Seriously? If a stranger accidentally elbowed you in the face (god forbid) and your nose started bleeding and a passer-by gave you some tissue and you absently handed it back while staunching the flow with more tissues - you’d feel a sense of betrayal that the stranger threw it away or loss for the blood? I have a

I think that’s an entirely different circumstance, no? You have an expectation of expedience on the part of the doctor’s lab, and you don’t expect to get your blood back. I would be disturbed that the doctor lagged on my blood test if I didn’t get the test results promptly, but I can’t fathom having any feelings at

AAAaaand you throw it away the first time your cat poops on it.

I’ve loved the actress that plays her mother ever since she was on Law & Order - the one where the rich student wants a motorcycle and his dad will only give him one if he breaks up with his “lower class” hispanic girlfriend (she’s the girlfriend). So as a last date (for revenge), she takes him to a biker bar and lets

I felt exactly the same way. I had and still have, no interest in watching anything where the 90% of the dialog is quite literally, people yelling at each other. (Well, I only made it 15 or 20 minutes into it, so...does it ever stop?)

If it’s the guy from the bus, the hostage-taker shot him in the head before being shot a bazillion times by the cops.

Your link redirects back to Jezebel...

I wasn’t knocking it. :) I agree completely, but everyone talking about her wrinkles as though hers is the norm of the appearance of 70 years of aging is misleading. (Good genes or not.)

I agree, but I think pregnancy and childbirth themselves ages women - hormones or...? I have decent genes and all, but I looked a lot younger than the other women at my HS reunion, and I was the only one present not to have had a baby.

I love Helen Mirren, but she has had “work” done. Really well done work, but that’s not a completely natural 70 y.o. visage. (b.1945)

The only person I’ve dated who was (in my mind) significantly younger than me was eight years younger. Granted, it was a few years ago so we were all younger, but all I could see when I looked at him was a baby-face, and he wasn’t particularly youthful looking in general. As I’ve passed through my 40s and now into my

I’m a tad older than you but have had basically the same experience. I feel the same about dating younger men, too, except I also can’t get past the fact that most of them look so much younger. I may not look my age, but I’m seeing through 51 year old eyes, and with rare exceptions they always look too young, and I’ve

Did she just stick her finger in her eye?

I had a cat named Lockheed when I was in 6th grade. One day I came home from school and my (older) brother came running out of the house yelling “itchy, itchy your cat’s dead!!”.

Maybe I’m weird, but when I was in high school (the 80s), to me vintage meant 30s & 40s, so this 20 years ago stuff is odd. Add to that the fact that all clothing from the 80s & 90s was horrendous then so why would I want to wear it again now, but even for the youngsters - that shit is 90% hideous.

They are also “vintage”.

SOMA is for South of Market (the major street running through the financial district to the embarcadero) alternatively known as the Mission District, which used to be primarily hispanic and or lower income residents. Through gradual gentrification, artists and the like were living in SOMA lofts and such (pushing out

“Let me tell you something, mister!”