
This woman is awful. My dad thinks she’s just a straight shooter (he has a Sarah Palin figurine on his desk, so there’s that) but I think she’s absolutely despicable. Nearly Bill O’Reilly despicable. (My dad also hates him, so there’s that.)

But what about my Carl’s Jr. turkey burgers?


So - approximately four years? Though how do we know if a year in Westeros is a year in real time...? (Just kidding on that last one, no need to answer, I don’t really care.)

I’ve been meaning to ask about that. How much time has supposed to have passed since the first season? Five years?

I love these - they’re Lucy by World Walker for Birkenstock (whatever that means) and I wear them all the time. They’re simple and SO COMFORTABLE. My next pair will be gizehs though...

Yeah it’s easy not to give a fuck when you’ve never had to anyway.

While it ranks #4, I think it’s necessary to stress the importance of making a thoughtful decision about where and why you travel, especially when considering places like Antarctica (or Poop Mountain/Everest or the Great Pyramids or the Grand Canyon) - all we need are a few more idiots like that woman roaming the

Yes, NBD exactly. She wasn’t “pretty funny”. She was “funnier than you’d expect” or “not as vapid as you’d expect” but it’s not like she came on the show and was hilariously witty and urbane. I would have enjoyed hearing Peter Sagal’s banter with her instead of the guy who filled in that day.

I apologize for the length of this post, but it’s so rare to see an article on Antarctica, and I have to take those opportunities to introduce as many people as possible to the most amazing person - Robert Swan. OBE. I met him in early 2001 when he was keynote speaker at a conference I attended, and his speech sparked

I totally agree. I agree so much I quoted you in another thread...

My cat just plonks herself down (elegantly) underneath me in down dog or cat cow or whatever, like I’m her shelter. Then she’ll rub her face on mine when I’m close to the floor. When I’m not stationary she stretches out at the end of the mat so I have to shove her off the end just to get into plank.

Were the monies she paid back court costs & attorney’s fees or...?

Sock it to me.

Are there two people coincidentally named Ron Jonson & Jon Ronson?

That reminds me of a human sexuality book I read in high school that said “a vagina is a hostile acid environment” - a turn of phrase I really liked. :)

When I got married (at 45) we bought fancy crystal high and low ball glasses for ourselves because they were on sale at Tuesday Morning & they were Shannon crystal, which is hubby’s last name. That was in 2008 and they are never used. I only use the same Disney 100th anniversary glass I got at a thrift store.

What kind of beauty products are made from cheese, much less home-made cheese?

I don’t understand your point. If you don’t like what’s happening in the story, why do you keep watching? It doesn’t matter what you or anyone else thinks is supposed to/going to/should happen - it’s up to the author. The author may fail to meet your expectations in many regards, but ultimately, it’s his/her work, and

Thank you for that. I don’t understand the need to complain about a fictional show that from the beginning set out to subvert our expectations, at the very least. Not watching it at al would seem to be a logical choice for those disappointed by the writers’ “choices.” There are things I don’t like watching or