
What about this mind-numbingly stupid effort?

I forgot to mention his close-set beady eyes...

Yeah, I count myself supremely grateful that she disappeared completely from our lives when I was in 9th grade. I don’t know how she would have dealt with her aging and my puberty/adolescence. She was the prototypical evil stepmother - so nice to us leading up to the marriage, and afterwards around my dad, but rotten

Wow, maybe my stepmom married your dad after mine divorced her. I can still hear her telling me when I was about 7 that my laugh made her sick. She left when I was 12, thank god, or I don’t know what else she would have done - she’d already hit me on the head with the coffee pot. Once she got mad over some childish

I find his pouty, round, baby-fat face unpleasant and his general demeanor annoying. I don’t find him remotely attractive. Even in a GOT context I just want him to take a bath.

I completely agree - humiliation and discipline are two completely separate things, and humiliation is all about power, nothing else.

As a woman with a robust sex drive, as I grapple with “the change” I notice that sex is of less interest to me - not that I can’t get aroused, orgasm, etc. - it’s more like “meh”. To say that it is a purely psychological phenomenon is not true.

She doesn’t look like she has the strength to lift one of those shoes off the ground. Maybe that’s why she’s lying on the floor?

Yes, I find myself quoting him with this one quite often - “What ARE you listening to? Sounds like street repair.”

Oh my god, the baby oil/sun reflector dad used to say “why don’t you just use butter?” (Why do the annoying things he said when I was growing up seem so funny now?)

May I add that in addition to slowing the effects of aging due to sun damage, it also lessens your chance of skin cancer. I never wore sunscreen because “I look better with a tan” and they had to dig through every layer of skin in my forehead to dig out the cancer. NOT fun. (The fact that it was misdiagnosed as


I spent most of my adult life with a small butt, and it wouldn’t matter what kind of underwear I wore, it would find it’s way into my buttcrack in short order - I wore thongs because they were more comfy than a whole pair of panties in my buttcheeks. The no-pantylines thing was a bonus. Now, my ass is a bit larger and

Starring you for lay vs. lie, but then all the rest of your comment. My dad always used to say “Chickens lay, people lie.”

I have had this exact reaction. A doctor once told me that in recovery centers she uses Benadryl instead of other meds bc, well, they’re in recovery. She said the maximum dosage per day was 300mg. THREE HUNDRED? The box from the store says 50... I tried taking three one night (75mg) and I was restless and exhausted

Now I am too! Drat - I guess I haven’t been kept on top of the John Wick news.

I don’t know why I first thought of Trinity & the helicopter, because Neo’s first bout was one of my favorite parts... (I’ve also watched John Wick several times just for the fight scenes.)

Isn’t that how they taught Trinity to fly a helicopter?

I’m not sure of the extreme point of these sandals, but I love these.

I’m putting out into the universe that I am in need of this Bill Nye swearing gif. I know the universe will provide.