
I feel like he/they/everyone on these shows are exaggerations of who they are or elements of their personalities, because on Botched, Dubrow is charming and funny. Sort of like Gordon Ramsey on The F Word is totally different than he is on Hell’s Kitchen.

replying to a tough, existential text

(Proposed official logo of antifeminism: “WE CAN’T DO IT!” emblazoned across a picture of Schlafly holding a Math book upside down)

Well, I think the (in)famous Wallis Simpson quote “Women can’t be too rich or too thin” might shed some light on things...

Who puts “sod busting” in a song, anyway?

That reminded me of that other depressing death dirge - Wildfire. It was sort of creepy, too -a 70s countrified pop version of Wuthering Heights.

Now playing

Does that matter? It may have been a decent poem, but it was an awwwful song! If Terry Jacks didn’t have such a reedy, whiny voice it may have been better. “We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun, but the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone. [KEY CHANGE!!] We had joy we had fun we had seasons

We didn’t really do road trips, but my we were fixing up a house we bought and throughout that summer (since we were in a house we didn’t yet live in) we had a cassette player with three cassettes that Dad played over and over and over. Willie Nelson’s Stardust, Dvorak’s New World Symphony, and Emerson Lake & Palmer’s

Oh my god I haven’t heard that song in forever. Flashbacks! At least you didn’t post Seasons in the Sun.

Toad Suck, Arkansas

I was in charge of hiring a new employee. I received a resume from a guy who had no experience, but had just graduated college. He must have read How to Write a Good Cover Letter for Arrogant Assholes, or something because he went overboard describing what a “catch” he was in the most awful, obnoxious way. I wish I

(What’s a DSR?)

A lot of this looks like AHS Coven - the sets, the characters...

“There’s no such thing as climate change, and even if there was, it’s not man made. They’re falsifying their reports because of all the research money they’re getting.”

I would love to have a sanctimony pony. (The word “pony” is one of my favorite words to say. Go ahead. PONY. Pony. POOONEEEE. )

The Tudors didn’t really suck. per se, it just wasn’t very historically accurate. (not very = not at all.) It was certainly entertaining... They portrayed Henry VIII as a young, hot guy throughout the series, even though he wasn’t so young or so hot by that time in real life. It was a prime time soap opera

Well, I guess I’ll have to watch it then. :)

Wow, and I thought this was awkward.

I feel her pain. I had a pair of fish once. Iggy & Squish. Squish tormented Iggy day after day after day, constantly chasing him around the bowl, nipping at Iggy’s tail fin. One day there was just Squish swimming around, and Iggy was floating on top of the water, finally carefree (and Iggy free, too.) I wrote this

But whhhyyyy? (Sorry, I’m hungry and hunger makes me ornery.)