
Is this show worth watching? I have limited bandwidth for shows based on history that veer off into complete ridiculousness. (See: Reign, The Tudors.) Better or worse than Salem?

Yeah, that just seemed unreasonable, even for this show...How does he explain any of that to the public? Where is Mellie going to go, anyway?

Best episode, as far as I’m concerned.

Did you not read the link? (Probably not.)

You can thoroughly work your abdominal muscles from almost any position - just like any other muscle, ab work involves contracting then releasing/stretching the muscle. The muscular contraction of the abdominal muscles in traditional “sit-ups” is actually pretty minimal - they are less a true abdominal exercise than

There are several ways to injure yourself doing burpees.

Are you showing this as an example of good form, or poor form? That front knee...

This hair is distractingly silly looking. If I were his trainer I’d tease him mercilessly. (Yes, I was an ACSM certified trainer for almost 20 years.)

The steak and eggs story reminded me of my brother. Once we were having beef hearts for dinner and my brother kept saying “bee farts” but not realizing what he was saying. Hilarious, I tell you. (I think I blacked out the actual eating of them because eating beef hearts sounds disgusting - bee farts, not so bad -

I have hated the same four things for my entire life. (Tomatoes, onions, bell peppers and mushrooms) I used to have to sit at the dinner table until I ate my entire dinner, which often included at least one of the “big four”, and often had me sitting there for an hour or so after the family had finished. My dad used

I know I’m late to the party, but why didn’t this get more stars?

Walmart brand...

I couldn’t watch CYE, and even George on Seinfeld made me cringe, but somehow I’m ok with Phil/Tandy. Give it another shot?

Did he have a beautiful face or what?

I had to look it up after reading your comment.

Ha ha ha... That reminds me of when my best friend and I went to the record store in our podunk town in the early 80s and we bought the psychedelic furs first album and the boomtown rats, but Adam Ant looked “too hard core”. That’s exactly what I said. “Oh no, we can’t get that one, he looks too hard core.” Ha ha ha.

Me too. She was passable, again only because of the sum of the other parts of the movie.

Now playing

I insist on saying it like Jack, every time.

My brother gave us a Cross pen. One pen. To share, I guess?

I love you.