
She was in a movie I liked very much with Richard Gere: Red Corner (I may be in a minority here about liking that one) and of course The Crow.

Now playing

I know short shorts are the thing these days, but they all look like very uncomfortable. Is that a hallmark of being an old, when comfort becomes more important than fashion? I can't imagine wearing anything so tight in the crotch for more than the time it takes to take them on and off.

Understandable. I too am from slightly south...where there are/were turkeys. I moved to SF on my 18th birthday and haven’t been back :) I mentioned the tv show American Crime b/c it is set in Modesto, and it’s weird to see the Water Wealth Contentment Health arch on prime time telly every week.

(Where? I am from a town very near there too. Have you watched American Crime?)

I'm glad I have company.

That Madonna song is instantly forgettable.

Or "pasteurized processed cheese food".

Rand Paul is indeed an unmitigated asshole, but can we please retire the “terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day” thing for a while? While once a cute reference to a childhood favorite, it’s now a bit overused. Maybe throw in a “smarter than the average bear” now and then, it’s ready for recirculation.

YES! Touch me and then try to leave me cream! Thank you - I was racking my brain! I don't know if they had the Bathina(?) line back then, I'm talking early nineties before they became more than a local brand. I loved their mascara, but their TM&TTTLM was amazing. Smelled good and made your skin sooo soft. I would love

YES! Touch me and then try to leave me cream! Thank you - I was racking my brain! I don't know if they had the

I have to say I like seeing January Jones laughing and happy - so used to seeing her as Betty Draper it startled me at first.

Ha ha ha. I like you. :)

Great minds and all that.

I remember when Benefit was a much smaller enterprise and all of their products, including their mascara, smelled like roses. Sooooo nice. They had a body cream with a long name - something like "I bet you want to touch me now" or...? - and it was the best.

I remember when Benefit was a much smaller enterprise and all of their products, including their mascara, smelled

You just wait, buddy. 53 is closer than you think.

I got horrific case of shingles that appeared the day after my wedding. My honeymoon consisted of my new husband helping me in and out of bed, going to the bathroom, showering and making me food. I couldn't move my upper body much at all, sleeping was near impossible and my only relief was him placing cool

Is this cross posted on WikiHow?

I stopped watching the CSI franchise a few years ago, but I watched this because I like Patricia Arquette. I gave it two episodes, too. Awful.

Loved them all, but I have to say my fave was the first one. Great writing, and funny, which is difficult! Believe me when I say he is one of my favorite authors - you have a bit of a Stephen King vibe. Loved it, please write more!!

Aren’t her boobs bigger now? (Menopause does that to you.)