
Dude, cool your jets. I wasn't angry then, I'm not angry now. If questioning your choice of words is "verbally attacking you" then I think you're the one who's going to have a bad time.

Let's agree to disagree on this, shall we? I thought your reply was worded strangely and put words in my mouth. I never even said I was laughing ABOUT little old ladies getting their hair done. It wasn't funny, it isn't funny now. It's just something older women used to do that some do now, and I find it curious,

I doubt he even goes to grocery stores.

Well, basically it's because I never said I "laughed at little old ladies getting their hair done in the 60s" and then the part where you said "it might be the easiest option for you now that you have gotten older." A seemingly innocent yet subtly insulting turn of phrase, when it would seem more accurate and normal

Thank you for your sage advise oh poster who made up a burner just to reply to my fairly innocuous comment.

I got a companion for my kitty because even though I work from home, I couldn't bear the though of her never hanging out with a member of her own species. They had a lot of fun, the new cat was a tiny kitten when we got him and he turned into our older cat's baby/project/toy until he outgrew her so much that he was

I wrap Libby in a towel, put her on my lap, and extricate one paw at a time. She can't really squirm because she's basically swaddled, but since she's basically swaddled, she doesn't seem to care. (I think cats freak out sometimes because they aren't able to touch anything with their feet to feel grounded.) ANYWAY,

As a woman getting older, my take on it (as I experience it) is that while you're going through menopause you tend to lose a lot of hair, and many women's hair thins even more afterwards. I think many women today cut their hair short because they don't have as much and thinning hair looks better short - you can fluff

I thought it said Farrah Abraham took a potato with a meatball.

I just talked to my dad - he doesn't call them the Shitstanians, he calls them the Krapshitsians.

My dad calls them the Shitstanians.

I don't think it's an active decision to "revolt" against their own parents, though certainly some of them may have. I think it has been a gradual cultural shift that has happened over the past two or three generations.

I'm probably about your age, and what I notice is different is that (at least in the areas in which I lived) even if moms stayed home, the parent's lives did not revolve around their kids. Our lives revolved around our parent's. Not being able to do something or go somewhere whenever we wanted was common because mom

I haven't heard that song in 30 years. Wow. Awful, awful song, but I'm getting sort of wistfully & nostalgically stabby.

I thought I was the only one...! I've never liked guys going down on me. I feel uncomfortable, like "what do I do while all of that is going on?" Plus, I would rather have my partner's body next to mine. I don't enjoy giving BJs either. Maybe I'm just not very good at it, though I've had no complaints. It takes

The little girl looks a lot like this little girl.

I can't really explain it any better than I have. I have no decisive reason. It could be a lot of things, situational/menopausal/plain old depression, fluctuation in hormones, I don't know. Since this was part of a discussion on aging, I felt it apropos because until I was about 45 you couldn't STOP me from

It's delicious - Simply Heinz - but it does have a teeny bit of sugar, but it's at the bottom of the ingredient list, not the top. I never liked ketchup before either because of the sweetness, but I love this stuff.

In my experience the only people (women or men) who tear you down - or try to - are people who are envious of you and/or insecure about themselves. It never feels good, but it helps to realize their motivation or whatever you want to call it. But I'm with you, I've only had bad work experiences with two women in my