
This is the only one I find the least bit interesting, but that's because I do not like tight clothing.

You should look into writing, if you haven't, because you are a good one...

I just edited my post to add - Where are you located? Perhaps we could bolster each other's spirits from time to time, either by email or if you're close, over a cup of coffee or kombucha. I'm in the LA area.

Interesting that you are a yoga instructor. I completely relate to everything you said and it sounds like we are in the exact same boat. I can't explain why I don't move anymore either, even though I desperately want to want to.

I'm talking about the flights of fancy - get up early and get this done before work, or get started on this project I've been neglecting...I manage to remember the day to day. :)

Gladly. Of course for me this issue revolves around fitness, because that was a huge part of my life/self-image for over two decades. I can't assume it would be exactly the same for other people with other activities/passions/interests, but perhaps it is?

Exactly! Except for me, it's every night before I go to bed I think of all the things I'll do the next day. Morning comes and I either can't remember what I wanted to do, or whatever it was seems pointless in the light of day. :)

This is the realization I had that made 45 my worst birthday - every day from this point forward I will be one day closer to 60 than I am to 30.

If anyone says something mean to me, as long as it's funny I'm pretty much ok with it. So we've got that in common. :)

I think the problem of many people on threads about tipping is that they either use hyperbole - as you admit - or they confuse sincere admonitions for everyone to tip with a statement of fact: if you go out to a restaurant you must tip. That is simply not true. I, and people like me, have no problem tipping, but

Really, I'm just tired of people telling me I'm an asshole because although I tip, I don't believe I HAVE to tip. Like there's no difference between that and not tipping at all. Gets my back up.

Ooof, got me with the irrelevant personal insults. You hurt my widdle feewings.

Why shouldn't he compare it? How is it not relevant? I think it is quite apt. He works extremely hard serving the public- harder and under harsh and dangerous conditions than no wait-staff anywhere have to deal with, full stop - for a low wage, yet he doesn't get tipped. Why is it any different than working in a

Can you not understand English? People like you in these threads somehow filter out all the rest of the words in the comment and revise it to say I (or anyone disagreeing with you) don't tip.

They're not seeing the forest for the trees. I've had this argument here before. Even though you agree that tipping is appropriate, but don't agree with the entire premise of tipping being a requirement, not a generosity, your opinion is therefore invalid. We must kowtow to the assholes that insult you because you

OMG, you think being an EMT requires no education? I was a server for at least a decade, and seriously, the only real requirements for that are one strong arm and a bit thicker skin. If being a server required ANY kind of education your comment wouldn't be so ridiculous.

What the hell is this whole article about except self-pity? You guys have every right to advocate for what you believe, but hypocrisy does you no favors.

Seriously? This entire article/thread/discussion is bleating about how often and how much servers should be tipped. That can occur yet this EMT can't talk about his job, which in no way shape or form can be considered easier than waiting tables.

Since when did we all sign on to this "social agreement" to supplement someone's salary? Just because it has "always" been done this way doesn't mean we've agreed to anything. Actually, we're being extorted for money by people who will in some way attempt to make us feel bad, insult and/or shame us, or fuck with our

I just learned that Louis Prima wrote it, which makes me like it even more, which I thought was impossible. (I made it my dad's ringtone and I'm always smiling when he calls. :) )