
Yay, too! Most people think I'm weird/a dork for lots of reasons, but they really give me a quizzical look when I say I'm listening to Big Band music. Unlike you, however, I am not a fan of Kanye. (We agree on his wife, though. :) )

Now playing

Me too! And for the record, I don't know how anyone can listen to this and not love it.

Nice save.

Why can't the questions be a little from column A and a little from column B? I think the main point of this "movement" is not that they get asked fashion questions, but that they get asked ONLY fashion questions. Yes, we want to look at the pretty (and awful) dresses, and I get that "what are you wearing" holds

Here's your original comment.

By saying she was coached, as though children can't be articulate and eloquent without being "trained" to be so. Why does it have to be a combination of the two?

Maybe she is just well educated for her age? She might know more about eloquence and be more articulate than her peers, but that doesn't mean she was "coached". You've insulted smart children everywhere. I guess you never knew any.

I could say the same thing about my dad, and he's alive. You're a rotten person, not a "truth monkey." It's called empathy, compassion and forgiveness.


Sorry, is she catching the most bouquets at any wedding, meaning she caught more than one bouquet at a single wedding? Or, has she caught the most wedding bouquets, cumulative over many weddings? #wordsmatterwhenyou'reawriter

I was talking to a friend one day (male) who commented on a photo in the paper - a near full page spread of a female athlete posing like an athlete, not a model or in a sexual way. My friend said "She would be so much prettier if she posed differently."

CERTAINLY. It's similar. But I couldn't make it long enough into the video (see above) to watch it all the way through. It may be derivative, but I think it's saying something that all of the other schools boycotted it - points to there being just some similar moves here and there.

Wow. I bet you"re you should be, I suppose.

I'm officially an old, but even in medieval times when I was in high school we had dance teams - we called them "song leaders" but they were definitely dance teams. Plus there were the girls (then) who danced on the field with the marching band...but I forgot what we called them. (I am an old, and a band geek.)

Yes and no. Are you or have you ever been involved in any form of dance? Choreography, much like composing music, is a personal experience and expression. There are only so many notes in the world, too, but just writing them down willy-nilly does not make a composition, if you get where I'm going with that.

It's worse than Skrillex, which until now I didn't think was possible. (Sorry, if you're a Skrillex fan.)

(psssst! Dad, I'm the girl in the family. Sorry I couldn't play football like my brothers.)

Holy shit, I couldn't make it 30 seconds into it b/c of that "music". In the words of dear old Dad "What are you listening to, street repair?"

Exactly! I'm sure he knows more about Alan Turing than the average Joe, because he probably researched the role, but they're actors, not historians, political scientists or doctors.

I don't understand why we care so much about what actors think about anything. They believably (for the most part) pretend to be other people for a living and are prettier than the rest of us (for the most part). The adoration we pile on these people and the pedestal on which we put them is really ridiculous. If he's