
Just proves (to me anyway) what a dearth of songs there are eligible for nomination. Blech, boring and trite.

Speaking of John Galt, it's plastered all over the inside of Brandy Melville stores. I asked one of the girls behind the counter why, and she had no idea.

I think most people look awful in skinny jeans, almost without exception, (exception being super skinny people) and though I own a couple of pairs, I find them uncomfortable, too. It's like wearing tights made of denim, and the waistband is always migrating downward, forcing me to hitch them up all the time. I'm not

I started reading this and a few sentences in I thought "I hope Mark wrote this" and I scrolled back up to the byline and... YAY!

You're doing it again. Why isn't defending people of any sort not doing "good work"? Are defense attorneys doing "bad" work when they defend someone who may be guilty of something horrible? Like I asked before - who should be representing these people? Do you have an answer for that?

Then what in hell have you been talking about for the last hour? You've said we should criticize her for taking on (what you feel are) undesirable clients, and questioned whether or not she "works tirelessly" because she doesn't always represent "good guys"?

Why FFS should we criticize her? I don't understand your logic. Why should or would she decline this or any case? Who should take those cases? Only lawyers not married to George Clooney? Only bad lawyers? If defense attorneys rejected clients because they may be guilty of heinous criminal acts, who the hell would

Upon what do you base that assumption? You don't feel she works tirelessly because...? Because she's both a prosecutor and a defense attorney? Because she defends people you don't approve of? Because she takes money for doing her job? Because some of her defense clients are wealthy? Does "working tirelessly" only

You're vociferously defending your point, which has been refuted so many times. What is it about your argument that you feels supersedes the entire basis of the criminal justice system?

I saw her once, shopping at Loehman's in LA (like you do when you're a movie star) and she is tiny - I'm 5'3 and she had to be 5' at the tallest. (Which also means all the men she acts beside are tiny, too.)

Let me preface this by saying, I am an old.

Hmm. I always associate them with the men wearing them with (short) shorts and t-shirts with rolled up sleeves at the I-Beam on Sunday afternoons.

How's this one?

Wow. I love her dress. (The speech was great, too, but I just saw that dress...)

It's taking over from the ubiquitous wailing lady that started, I believe, with Gladiator.

But didn't you see Easy A?? (I'd never heard of him before that b/c I never watched whatever that show was, but I definitely liked him in that movie.)

Fifty is far from geriatric.

I think it was on Lifehacker a couple of years ago (maybe not) but the article suggested making up a phrase only you know, such as "truly insane gawker commenters rule the internet today" and thus your password could be tigcRti2d with whatever numbers/character you want to throw in there. Works for current

A friend has two teenagers now, and she never (ever) let them walk to the grade school that was MAYBE half a mile away from the house. Never let(s) them go anywhere without driving them there, picks them up from school every day (HS is perhaps a mile away.) They don't do their own laundry, make their own breakfasts,
