
Almost blew coffee out my nose. :)

Ingenuous or ingenious?

I used to chew their feet off. I'm old enough to have had Barbies with malleable feet. I used to chew up erasers, too. I don't know wtf that was all about. Got embarrassing when my (evil) stepmother was subbing and another little kid said "oh your Snarky's mom? She eats erasers." I was in the 3rd or 4th grade.

I'm just spit-balling here - and I am fairly certain there's more to the story - but what if after exhausting other more reasonable avenues to keep this woman from taking that seat, the FA mentioned the cost hoping that would be the thing that convinced her not to take an emergency exit seat for which she was

I see what you're getting at, but those photos are at least one nose-job behind.

You don't see the nose job either? I can't NOT see it, but I have been told I've got a keen eye for that sort of thing.

I'll give you a. bad makeup on the left and b. natural aging and good makeup on the right, but seriously you can't see that her nose and its bridge are completely different? She had an excellent surgeon, but def went under the knife.

I beg to differ - she has a completely different nose, higher, more defined cheekbones, and now her eyes are more up at the edges than down. If I didn't know they were the same person I wouldn't guess it.

OMG, she looks nothing like she did! (In my opinion, obviously) She still looks very young, but her entire face is different - I didn't even recognize her at first when she presented an award on some award show a few months plastic surgery overhaul.

I have no particular feeling about this movie, although I've watched it with amused indifference a couple of times. Your whole article, however, was HYSTERICAL.

Applause, applause, applause.

Believe me, I nearly sprained my eyeballs from all the rolling. One of my favorites was the woman, very fit and pretty good looking, who was fixated on getting a "black person's butt" - she was petite and blonde, of course. None of us (trainers) would do anything but a. tell her it was genetically impossible, and b.

This has been the business model of every gym, everywhere, forever. (With very few exceptions.) Seriously. No gym/club/studio wants or can house anywhere near to their full membership at any time, ever. The amount one pays for a membership is (usually) relative to their income, so not showing up when you pay $10 per

I worked for years at two different gyms like that - Lawlover explains quite well what these gyms offer. People didn't carry these members from machine to machine, but their premier membership status afforded them all kinds of priority access and scheduling, and would often include a number of training sessions.

This is not unusual, it has been the nature of gyms since the beginning of time. Most people, regardless of how much it costs, use the gym only rarely, while a smaller percentage make up the "regulars" that show up almost every day. If any gym had even 50% attendance, it would be packed to the rafters.

When I was 12 I had a "relationship" with a 20 year old college student of my dad's. He was my dad's pal, and therefore was around a lot. I had a giant crush on him for years - I made googly eyes at him and he tolerated me. That was the extent of our "relationship". (We actually dated when I was 30 but that's

I got it on the day after my wedding. :( Six weeks of hell. Still itches occasionally six years later.

Now playing

Come ON, that was a great movie - one of my favorites. How many A-list stars in that thing? Plus the great soundtrack...

My husband worked this below-the-line; he said it was nauseatingly awful, but I don't know why. I'll ask him and report back.

(He's not voguing, he's doing some stylized arm movements reminiscent of Balinese or Thai dancing - or some such dance/yoga thingamajig - and he's sitting in the lotus position. Yogaing, not voguing)