
I know! I'm trying not to be spoilery for people who haven't watched it, but when she appeared for the first time in the last series was one of my favorite bits of television, ever.

Well, then, never mind.

You HAVE to watch it. If you don't watch it you won't realize how subpar the American version will be, it will be a horrible retread and it won't have RUTH WILSON, who will undoubtedly reach Judi Dench or Helen Mirren levels of greatness. Plus Idris Elba is the only Luther possible.

Missing word alert: *buy*

Do people (celebrities) actually ask to be "memed" now? Smacks of desperation borne of one's relevance declining at the velocity of falling off a high cliff.

An early course instructor in my fitness training certification program had these two gems. "Bread is fine; just don't eat the whole loaf." and "Fit people are fat burners, fat people are butter burners." Just sharing the wisdom... ;)

This seems like as good a point as any to insert my irrelevant gripe about SOA - as a former resident of that area, I hate that they so obviously film this in Santa Clarita, a bit north of LA. There are few palm trees and fewer mountain ranges in the Central Valley. It's not as though the area is thousands of miles

I was wondering what I was going to make for dinner - now I know. Thanks, kind stranger!

Ok - I'll give it a shot. Thanks for the reply!

I've tried to watch Blackpool three times. I can't make it past the first musical number. I love the cast, and the idea...something about David Morrissey singing that doesn't sit well. What did you like about it? I need some context.

This guy is in nearly every damn show. Seriously.

I'm certain this is a not-coincidental-at-all part of the anti-Hillary campaign.

It was the same in that other poster from a week or so ago where she was standing there with one arm raised. Ugggh. All she'd have to do in this one is arch her back a bit and it would look 1000 times better. This is going to be such a disaster, unless she's just really bad at being still - I doubt it, though. I think

In every one of these photos "Peter" seems to have absolutely no awareness of how she looks - and I mean in her poses. There's no strength in any of her limbs or her torso; she seems to just be hanging from a wire with a bent leg, not even trying to look like she's flying or doing anything other than simply hanging

But the "yes you can but you may not" game is one that is fun for the whole family and can be passed down from generation to generation. (It was a big one in our house, along with "look it up in the dictionary", which was always prefaced by something like "there's no such word as 'snuck'". GOOD TIMES!

I agree with you completely about Jay Leno, but Ellen used to be one of my favorite comedians - I haven't seen her doing standup for at least 10 years, but I thought she was hilarious. (Not as funny as Paula Poundstone, though, but Paula is not what I'd describe as endearing :) ) But I do agree with you again about

Now playing

I haven't watched the episode yet, but I watched the video up top and when the Jessica Lange started to sing, all I could think of was this, and I was waiting for her to lose her "r's"

writing her essay with a Black & Mild dipped in foundation

He's not supposed to be singularly funny. I think his talent (and success) come from being so engaging and "genuinely" good-natured that he gets all sorts of people to do all sorts of gags/skits/songs with him that end up being funny. He's a talk show host - and he's very good at his job. His goofiness is not too

Is this the filet mig-non guy?