
I'll admit, I would be excited to see Hiddleston cast as a shoe horn in a Thom McAn commercial,

We were only allowed 90 minutes of TV on Saturday mornings, so it was primarily Looney Toons, which I still love. But my dad would get up near the end of our 90 minutes in time to watch The Pink Panther and Rocky & Bullwinkle, so we got to watch those too. Strangely, the fact that we ended up with an hour or so extra

Thank you for that last bit. "Now wtf am I supposed to say to you, stranger who just interrupted me in the middle of my shopping/walking/reading/thought process?" Plus I'm horrible at small talk in the first place, so it makes it worse - they interrupted me, I felt pressured to interact, I failed to meet their

Aaaah - last I dealt with CMG was in 2008. Surprised they gave "her" up, though - or was that the subject of the lawsuit?

CMG Worldwide owns Marilyn Monroe's rights of publicity, along with those of HUNDREDS of other famous celebrities. Certainly the owner of her estate gets money, but CMG is the one making bank of licensing her image.

A company called CMG Worldwide - a company I used to work for actually had MM & James Dean dealings with them. They own the rights of publicity for literally hundreds of celebrities, and they don't fuck around. At all.

Hollywood threw him into romcoms (much like they did with Paul Newman early in his career)because he's good looking, but I think it's unfair to use that or his (admittedly odd) personality quirks as ammunition against his acting ability. He might be weird, but he can act. (I actually think he is "today's Paul Newman"

I haven't watched Jeopardy in literally decades - are all the answers product placement now?

Set-up: My husband (Joe) is one of those guys that is naturally gifted in athletics, is funny, unconsciously and effortlessly attractive in a comfortable-in-his-own-skin way. (I'm not saying he's perfect, but he does have that alpha male thing going on.) At the time, Joe was majorly into cycling and shaved his legs.

That's also why I hate those "candid camera" type shows. Laughing at someone's discomfort is not my cup of tea.

Hey, me too! I could barely (rarely) watch George Costanza, hated watching Curb Your Enthusiasm...glad to know I'm not alone.

While I'd like to see Christopher Walken show off his dance training, from the look in that photo, I think her "dancing" will be cringe-enducing.

This is an Amazon Fire commercial..

Grey's script called for the woman to say, "I want to show you something that could save your life." The players were meant to take off their shirts and show how to perform a breast examination on themselves.

I know some people on here have had bad experiences with Graboid, but I've been using them for over a year and beyond a broken download or two, I've had no problems. I just watched the season premier of Downton Abbey the other night, saw the superb Happy Valley the same days it broadcast in the UK, and have every

I've watched ALLLL of those, too.

You know it's a sad state of affairs when much of the time a 10 year old rerun of L&O is the best thing on television. (Which happens often in my house.)

Duerson's story breaks my heart - to feel such irrepressible sadness or anguish is difficult enough to contemplate (i.e. Robin Williams), but his story and the lengths he went to to leave his brain intact definitely wrenches it up a few notches. Shooting yourself in the chest cannot be easy. (Well, shooting yourself

Peripherally related sidebar: I was a personal trainer for a zillion years at very high end clubs in California. There was a 40ish woman (white) who was in really (very) good shape and conventionally very attractive. She was totally fixated on her butt, though. She went through every trainer available to find one that

Came looking for this, was not disappointed. I did enjoy the sexy geek speak in the article and comments, though too.