
I saw it quite a while ago, so I can't be certain of the particulars, but I do remember thinking that what had seemed to be such a remarkable performance on Hopkins part seemed less so after seeing Cox in Manhunter. (TBH, I never thought Jodie Foster was a particularly good actress in anything I've seen her in, except

The earlier Michael Mann film "Manhunter" was taken from the first book in the Hannibal Lechter series by Thomas Harris. I believe I read that since that film had already been made, Silence of the Lambs was made as a second choice. Manhunter is a better story, imo, but if you watch it, much of the mannerisms Hannibal

Yep. That's the scene. I was so scared that my arms flew up and I smashed my Jolly Rancher stick into the chair somehow. I swear to god I cannot watch anything about underwater goings on after watching that movie, and I think I was 12 when the movie came out. Seriously, whenever something about scuba diving, or

I watched the first five minutes of it the other day. From the first moments of that movie, the soundtrack sets a tone that just doesn't let up. If you watched the little VW driving down the road without any sound, you might think it was a comedy (what was that Goldie Hawn movie where she's driving through Marin

Don't I wish...

At least she's settled into her plastic surgery a bit. The first couple of seasons looked painful.

The acting was Bad SNL Skit bad. I kept waiting for the punchline.

I thought we did.

Oh, I have stories... (my dad was one of a kind). Re: the Wish Book, we made our lists from the Wish Book, but for the life of me I don't know if he ordered from there. I guess I never thought about it then, but I think he used it either as a general guideline for the kind of presents we wanted, or as a distraction


That's hilarious. :) (That you work for PG&E, not the horrible messages. I've never assumed that EVERYONE at PG&E was an asshole, but thanks for clearing that up.)

I'm a ma'am, and yes, he was. :)

We were one digit off from the Sears Catalog pick-up store when I was a kid. We'd always get calls from people looking for their orders. After patiently explaining for a few months, Dad finally started telling them varying descriptions about why their order was lost in transit. The sidesplitting laughter that ensued

I'm female and I love the Stannis storyline. I'm not a huge fan of the actor that plays Jon Snow, but I like the storyline too - I quickly tired of the Sansa (whiner) storyline, at least until the last scene of her where she finally stopped, well, whining.

Ok. I have no real reason to think anyone would want to hack into any of my accounts, unless it was just part of a data breach where I were one of hundreds or thousands like Target or Home Depot recently. rates my the "crackability" of my two go-to passwords at 275 days and 4700 years,

How is this "their first scent for women"?

He also drops his g's quite often now, and generally tries to dumb himself down because god forbid he sound educated.

Oh, great, now he's at burning man. I hope he's suffocated by playa dust, but odds are he's in a fully stocked RV.

Uhhh, um...what areas of California?