
Far more annoying than that dang Happy song. Seriously.

Lisa Rinna seems to be actively pursuing the look of a prepubescent girl. (Boy?)

I knew someone who came home from a trip and there were dead bees all over the inside of his apartment - mostly by the sliding glass door to the patio. He would clean them up, but the next day, more dead bees. This went on for several days. (!!!) I went over one day and I could HEAR them in the vent behind the stove.

I applaud her doing what she wants, but I cannot make it through the video even once because her voice is incredibly annoying, as is the song. (Like my opinion matters.)

I star your first paragraph thusly: *******

I worked with a woman like that - perfectly curated appearance and very contrived mannerisms - vintage designer clothing (as in 50's & 60s, not "vintage" clothes from the 80s), used a lot of European colloquialisms, was an "art" major... Woman never took those designer clothes to the cleaners. I can't believe she

Yes...I don't usually spend much time grieving for celebrities, though dying early (James Gandolfini for example) is always sad. With Robin Williams though, it wasn't just that he died, but that he was so, so unceasingly sad that he felt no other recourse. For someone who selflessly gave the world so much joy, the

I think it's awfully hypocritical of JA to be counseling people against plastic surgery when the woman is on what, her FIFTH nose? Does she think no one notices?

I was going to post them.

I watched the first episode - I was really excited to see it - and that damnable voiceover killed it for me. I just wanted her to shut the hell up, already. Otherwise it was gorgeous, and I've loved Tobias Menzies since he played Brutus in Rome. Please tell me the horrible voiceover has at least been minimized?

OOooh, six whole stars. You're a winner, you are. I was generalizing about men, as you were generalizing about women, you fool. I have met many, many women in my life - and I am one - and I don't know ONE who felt the need (righteous or not) to use other men/police/husbands/boyfriends as "threats". That this is your

Since you're intent on generalizing, (and poorly at that) I'll add that since this seems to be based on your personal experience, maybe women wouldn't feel the need to "use their police friends/boyfriends/family member as threats" if men (like you) weren't such twats.

What the fuck are you blathering on about now? While you make good points quite often, "It's always women" blah blah blah is some serious bullshit.

EXACTLY. I have a small butt, and no matter what kind of underwear I buy it all ends up my butt crack anyway. There are some boy shorts that are ok, but not under most pants. Thongs just alleviated the problem. I don't wear them to bed or under skirts, but any kind of snug fitting pants or shorts - thong-city. (Oh,

I thought you would write "not for my thkin tone"


If it's going on from the end of June through the beginning of August, (meaning it's happening now) why is everything in past-tense?

I especially like her good natured & willing yet not-completely-understanding-what's-going-on mom.

I can't explain it, exactly, but because of who these two people are, this is far more information than I need about them.

It's a very awkward sentence to say the least. I agree, Agran is a weak writer.