
Well, that, but then there's the rest of the sentence.

"Because..." said Kinja, "...I can".

Why are you tormenting me, Kinja?

...oil's not like any other 7-year-old girl has ever been very set on being a princess.

Used to work for a company claiming to deal in fine photography and the general manager called them "pitchers". Also, he was talking about one of our photographers who was working in Hollywood in the 40s, 50s & 60s and he said "It harkens back to the "hallekon" days of Hollywood" instead of halcyon. We were presenting

OMFG. Thank you. I thought I was the only one. I have serious conniptions when I hear "joo-lery" - makes my ears hurt. As does "tempa-chur", but joo-lery is the worst, for me. "Prolly" instead of probably is working its way up the ladder, too.

I'm sorry, but that's a silly question. Obviously you don't's like asking a mountain climber why they climb, a painter why they paint, a writer why they write...

That would have been hysterical. As it was, I don't think anyone even thought there was anything we could do. Aaahh, the 80s.

Certainly nothing as bad as the salt guy, but when I was managing the college pub (student managed, college run), my boss would send the female employees into the deep freeze on a near hourly basis. Once, during a group convo about promotions or raises he said "here's the way to get a raise" and he tapped his belt

I totally and completely fucked up my body by losing too much weight too quickly. I was on an anti-depressant that had a weight loss effect though I didn't know it. I thought it was the miraculous new yoga practice I'd started.

Ha ha ha ha. Yes, wait until there's another generation or two behind you and see how you feel then?

Perhaps I responded to the wrong poster, but someone mentioned the shorter seasons, and it was to that message I was replying. I do like that in the UK they (apparently) aren't slaves to a "full season" like we are here. Some shows work well in short form, others do not. To each his own... But I don't understand why

I like the UK shows that are 3 or 4 episodes - story lines are much easier to create cohesively if you're not trying to drag it out for weeks and weeks. They also don't feel the need to try and make every show into a multi-season run. They do great one-offs or shows that have a couple of seasons and they're done. I

I get what y'all are saying, really. But the fact is that women carry the child and birth the child. Consequently, they need x numbers of days/weeks to recover, both physically and hormonally. Not to say women can't/don't/won't work through this, as many do, but it's not as though the patriarchy set it up this way on

But Sia's performed facing the audience in every instance I've seen (not that I've seen them all) one video she had a stocking/nylon over her face, but she's been performing with zero 7 and solo for so long. Somehow I feel it has something in particular to do with this song...

I agree - Sia may not be to everyone's liking (she's absolutely my favorite) but I loved all of this - I would just have liked to see her singing for at least a couple of seconds... otherwise, loved it...(Now I will have to find the video of her on Ellen)

The young, cute Elvis...I always thought it was interesting that he'd been around for 20 some years and she didn't know who he was. But then again, that was about the same time she began calling me (I lived in California) asking why I'd taken all of her pajamas.

A. Pico Pica Sauce for the win

My grandparents lived in Cheyenne - when the first Taco Bell came to town, ohhh, about 1972 or thereabouts - my grandmother said "what's a Tahh-Coh?" Oh, Grandma....

I liked it better when I thought he was really a "raving lunatic".