
Why do you keep using uninterested? The word used in the post to which I replied, and in my question, was "unsupportive" - for someone so interested in semantics, I would think the difference between the two words would of significance.

Agree, plus I can't get over the pasty-squidge face.

Well, that guy playing his dad DOES look like Tom Sizemore, so you were right about that :)

They're all in the Sundance channel show the Red Road.

I completely misread the headline as "aging boards for Chinese" and immediately wondered why I hadn't yet heard of this particular eastern medicine regimen.

I have a minor Clint Eastwood-is-nice story: Mr. McSnarkSnark worked at a studio where Clint Eastwood has his production company office, and they knew each other casually. It was right after Gran Torino came out and we got a copy as a gift from the studio (one every year...). Clint's character in the movie reminded me

I used to see them quite often - they came to a gym in LA where I worked. They looked more like brother and sister - Hansel & Gretel heading off into the forest. Once they realized they weren't going to be witch food, Gretel struck out on her own. My gaydar did go off about him, though...

She's just weeks away from 50, which means her entire decade of hotness was in her 40s, so...yay for 40 - 50 year old women!!

There's your problem, if that looks fine to you.

Now that I look at them again, they look miserable as in someone or something died. (Their social lives?) Mourning over the unavoidable guilt they're going to feel when they start having natural sexual urges? Grieving the absence of a regular dad? Mourning over the ridiculous pedestal on which they've been placed,

Note: Not to scale.

And they all look completely miserable - the girls, that is. I don't think they're beautiful pictures at all - perhaps the colors, or the scenery, but all together these pictures are full-on "yuck!".

I don't understand how, since we all agree that rape is about power and anger and violence, that we're all hot and bothered by visions of that power and anger and violence directed at women via rape, but not at anyone else via beheading, stabbing, burning, mutilation and head crushing. It's supposed to be violent and

Well, yes and no. I may not find cage fighting interesting, but it is not boring. That is, however, irrelevant, since there is a distinct difference between uninterested and unsupportive, which were the two words in the question I actually asked.

Did she say she was unsupportive of it, or that she found it uninteresting?

Maybe you got drunk and cried because you were getting a sinus infection... I was with my college boyfriend and his family (cringe) and I had two White Russians and was embarrassingly toasted. We were in Tahoe and I remember driving back with him and being mortified about the turn of events. As it turned out, I had a

Isn't that/he basically what this movie is about, albeit with a different name?

I thought it was Upworthy.

Isn't there a necessary word missing between Armpits & Shaved in the headline?

...who believe they're entitled to women who are much more attractive than they are.