
I was all in on this with just Tina Fey, but he just up my "in-ness" to the zillionth power.

My dad would sing while BBQing chicken breasts - "Tongs for the mammaries..." (To the tune of "Thanks for the Memories"...)

He didn't die in any of the many Richard Sharpe movies, which I looooooove. (So he has that going for him, which is nice.

What were Jennifer Saunders and Roseanne doing hanging out together?

I laughed at that one because I could totally see my best friend's 17 year old son doing that. Also, my own brother would do that if he were 17 now. (At 17 he was into magic tricks and his ventriloquist dummy.)

I agree. :) He could have initially been the best choice as monitor because she did already know and trust him, but by this time they'd have replaced him or given her an additional monitor or something.

I in no way condone real, actual rape, but since it is an awful, horrific thing to happen to a character in a show (that isn't at all real) isn't that the point of having it in the show? I personally think Helena is not going to sit still for that, and Henrik won't know what hit him, but why can't a character behave

But until Sarah and the others showed up, Allison was a pretty "normal" soccer mom, who probably didn't need much monitoring. She was happy to be who she was, at least for the most part - she had kids, friends, a social life, social standing...only after she found out about the clone situation did Donnie have

She was specifically asked about it - she didn't volunteer and chose not to speak at any length about it. What would you have her do when asked a direct question?

Pardon me if this has been mentioned, but that's not Jamie Bell in the Jupiter Ascending trailer, that's the absolutely amazing Eddie Redmayne.

It used to be "which football/baseball player looks like my dad?" Then, "which one of these guys would ILF?" Followed too quickly by, "OMG I could be his mother" then, "What? He's in the MLB? He looks 12!" At least they're not young enough to be my grandkids, yet.

even they supposedly believed her

These shoes look ABSOLUTELY ridiculous and uncomfortable, but...there is padding. It's in the article. Somehow they "bend" or "flex" but a. they're fugly, b. it says at $1000 they're made for the "average woman" HA HA HA HA HA c. it looks from the photo (with the model wearing the shoe) that there is no way for it to

Tell that to "prolly", "begs the question" and all the other things that have "evolved" with bastardization of the language. On second thought just be quiet.


Wha? You've said this twice. I'm ready to take the flack for "not getting it" but in case you're at all serious, please explain?

Well, thank you very kindly for your concern!

I have tried everything. Seriously. Melatonin, valerian, kava, this that and the other herb, vitamin, elixer and tonic, plus various combinations of the above, including benadryl. I tried marijuana and marijuana gum (blech) which made me both wide awake AND high. (Incidentally, however, one one glorious occasion I

(Psst... Most every OTC sleep med is Benadryl. Lifelong insomniac here, and because I've searched - pretty much in vain - for something to help me sleep, I've learned that almost everything that says "sleep" in the name/description, that you can get at the drug/grocery store is diphenhydramine. )

Ahhh, verrry interesting. He must be old, too.