
Or ...

I'm such an old, I thought, Christopher Pike?

He didn't say "good" scripts will get made, he said scripts that make money will get made. While not mutually exclusive, this seems to be an either/or thing (too) much of the time - as in it's either good or it will make money.

Call me a skeptic, but this letter sounds more like it was written by someone with a "tic tac" than someone who might "hop" upon one.

Same here! Grandma (of course) gave them to us every year. I do vaguely remember eating them, though - whether we were supposed to or not. A sort of stale sugar with that hard candy "icing" that decorated them... (That was the Grandma that gave us a spoonful of sugar in the mornings to get us to eat our (real) eggs.

I was kinda with you on the rom-com meet cute with Pat & Miss America - you held on tight to your romanticized vision, as is your right...but you totally lost me here. First, with "fly ass chica" (but, whatever) then with assuming that saying she was "slammed" was a "sexual nod". AAAAAACK, pfft thpt ptooey. I do not

Does his password involve his birth year in some way? (I have within the last few years gathered some older friends whose desktops resemble that one, and they ALL use their birth year as part of their password. I've told them and told them, but to no avail. They also ALL have spreadsheets that have their entire

He looks like Shrek, which I don't think was the goal...was it?

Sorry, but this show would be entirely too much like real life, and therefore of absolutely no interest to the general public/viewers. Showing people how to actually achieve & sustain and healthy weight goals denies the viewers the belief in the magical shortcut approach, be it weight loss, wealth, looking younger -

And somehow this exchange reminded me of the ever-so-delightful UK show Miranda...have you seen it? If not, you should, and thank you again to you.

Why, of course you are quite welcome, and a very fine day to you as well. I am the see-er of typos, the write-r of wrongs. ;)

I believe a vital word is missing.

I agree with everything you said. Also, this post made we want to see a picture of your fabulous hair.

Yes. Exactly. They would be outraged, but not about the word "Redskins". THAT'S THE POINT. (Minimalisation of the one over the use of the other...)

That's the point - the level outrage over the use of one racial slur but not the other? How can you not see that?

NOW I understand. I think. Thank you...

What does he mean, "like its a standing toilet behind them"?

It's subtle, but she's had more work done in the last few years - newer nose and chin. Not quite Nicole Kidman territory, but getting there.

Mud was pretty damned decent; Killer Joe I couldn't get into. Could have been the mood I was in or something, but watched about 10 minutes of it before I'd seen enough.