
I'm sure this was all staged or "suggested" but it was great, and I so wanted that song to win. (Also, Pharrel & Lupito would make a cute couple...)

Isn't it worth including the fact that this was a movie about the 80s, and "misgendering" wasn't something on anyone's radar? In fact, "transgender" wasn't even a common term, or a common "thing" 30 years ago. The characters reactions to Rayon may be horrible - and ignorance excuses nothing - but in the 80s mainstream

Bring warm clothes!! I'm firmly convinced there's a fine living to be made off selling SF sweatshirts to summer tourists who don't expect July to be freezing. I hope you enjoy your visit, but definitely make time to see Golden Gate Park, and check out the Sea Cliff Trail - seriously one of the most beautiful places in

There is still some personality in the old girl yet, but it's been highly, highly diluted. The homogenization is just sad.

Um...the entire city?

Exactly what they did to San Francisco - didn't take very long because SF isn't very big. The very people who made SF a place you would want to live now can't afford to live there, and their vibrant, interesting and individual neighborhoods have been replaced with an insidious, creeping standardization. Starbucks two

How old are you?

Isn't the correct term "shat" as in "shat upon"?

I'm adding this here in case jodark dismisses my direct comment. His comments in this thread provide the full picture not provided by his comments in yesterday's Joe the Plumber thread - equal parts ignorance, self-righteousness and fatuousness. Jodark, you're quite a piece of work, bless your heart.

Your comments in this thread provide the full picture not provided by your comments in yesterday's Joe the Plumber thread - you're quite a piece of work, bless your heart.

Extra points for "slappy". Thanks for that.

He directed this in 2010 -

Cogent argument.

No person of any height or weight should lose more than two pounds a week without strict medical supervision. The problem with losing (not loosing, sorry) weight faster than that is your body is consuming your lean body mass, leaving you smaller, yes, but with a lower lean to fat ratio. In other words, you're

Exactly. There's no scientific proof that PMS exists either, but I know plenty of women affected by it.

I have no scientific evidence to back this up, but I think going through pregnancy (hormones, etc.) ages you. I haven't had kids either, and I'm years behind my parent-friends in terms of age spots and sagging. Of course it could be the continual stress and sleep deprivation parents are subject to, but I'm going with

Yes, you do.

Calm down...I wasn't trying to say he was the only LGBT friendly artist. I said he was making noise - as in hubbub, commotion, attention to the subject matter. Deserved or not, intentional or not, that song on the Grammy broadcast brought LBGT equality to the living rooms of people who may never pay any attention to

Whatever keeps you warm at night, man. Or in modern parlance - haters gonna hate.

You keep on thinking that. I prefer to see the guy who IS an ally to the LGBT community and MAYBE did something hasty to appease all the assholes saying he shouldn't have won at all. I don't see any OTHER artists of any genre making the kind of noise about the issue - why assume it's not heartfelt, because he sent