
Shut up. He could have been like 98% of other people and perhaps thought to himself that he shouldn't have won, and kept his mouth shut. But he didn't.

Thank you!! A million times...

I wish I could star this a million times. FFS, he may be white and straight, but at least he's writing about LGBT equality and how gays are perceived in "rap culture" (whatever that is). He might not be the best rapper, but he's not the worst, and he's the fucking message out there (like it or not, his message reached

These are amazing, and the models aren't your typical super-skinny types - the very top left woman has some serious legs. Nice to see, for a change.

I think it's hilarious (sadly hilarious, or hilariously sad) that I've never seen an "article" complimentary of Airbnb anywhere on Gawker Media, yet they happily sponsor content here.

I know! People wrote him off as another pretty face when I think he just made everything look so easy no one figured he could act. He's made some poor choices about which films to do, (IMHO) but I've always thought he was good in everything he's been in. I'm glad he's getting meatier roles now. He is looking a bit

Oh for heaven's sake. This pity party needs to be shut down. You are evidently getting some sort of validation out of this commentary to be continually rebutting every positive comment with how "ugly" and "worthless" you and all the other fat people are. At this point the problem is quite obviously with you, not

No matter what the response, you have the same answer - that "attractive" (thin) women have an unfair advantage, you (apparently) are fat and consequently both ugly and worthless. Commenters have given you their considered opinions to the contrary. You are fully invested in this image of yourself. I honestly don't

Yes! I remember that was when "they" were pushing the Michael Pitt thing on us quite hard (didn't really work - something about him is too odd for mainstream) but I thought about Ryan "THAT guy is going to be big".

Damn, that song gets me every time. Plus, he is very nice to look at.

I've always loved Kate Bush's voice and music, but I have to say - having never heard Pat Benatar's cover until now - I can finally understand ALL of the words. Not a fan of the electric guitar chords, but I thought it was a very pretty version.

Thank you. I was a personal trainer for over twenty years and as in ANY OTHER INDUSTRY, there are those who get in and don't know what they're doing. Believe me, watching bad trainers work with clients bothers us as much as it bothers you, HamNo. Sometimes charisma and the ability to bullshit people is more persuasive

The central valley of California is also the reddest part of this blue state. A woman actually said to me once, (since I lived in San Francisco at the time) "I can't believe you lived in Gayville..." and the sheer number of anti-Obama, anti-abortion, evangelical Christians here are horrifying. (I grew up about an

I have also had a life completely out of the realm of most people, and I can't even count the number of times I've heard "oh my god, you must be SO STRONG. I don't know how you survived..."

And your contribution to the lexicon is...?? Moffat's brilliant, and no one is perfect. I consider him unassailable on the strength of Jekyll alone. When you've got a show or two like Sherlock under your belt, then your judgment of his skill will be relevant.

They should talk to Ernest Shackelton. (Ok, he's dead, but still.) They've been stuck for a few days...

Love his voice but hate hate hate Waking Up. Visceral, instant dislike.

I'm only guessing here, but I think that may mean she de-feathers the ducks after they've been slaughtered.

Then there's this guy...