
I think he may have orchestrated the whole thing, hoping to break free of his "restrictive" TV show. Not that there's another network with A&E's reach that will actually tolerate/promote his born-again ravings, but I am willing to bet he believes there is.

Same here - still hate everything I hated then, with the exception of oranges. I did learn to swallow food without chewing it, with a big gulp of milk. (The taste of bell pepper flavored milk, blechhh.) Got through many a meal without chewing much, and we went through lots of milk.

Gena Rowlands is amazing, but also was married to Nick's FATHER, John, himself a actor (Rosemary's Baby, The Dirty Dozen, anyone?) and phenomenal director (Gloria, A Woman Under the Influence, both starring Rowlands.) I know this is Jezebel, but to mention Rowlands without mentioning John Cassavetes...?

Gotta go with what moves ya...

Let me help you. "If my HR is more concerED with spelling mistakes than hiring the right person THEN they should be fired."

Catcher And the Rye. Is that the one where the misanthropic aging baseball player, despondent over a lost career, estranged family and missed opportunities takes solace in a bottle of rye, while ruefully explaining the secrets of love and loss to an idealistic (and handsome) young man who's stuck in the same rundown

Most kind of you...most kind.

Can I borrow "perma-acerbic"? Well, not borrow, exactly. Steal?

Thank you.

Yes, I can see an aging widow in the early 20th century wearing it, (with a hanky tucked up the sleeve at her wrist) if it were black. God Awful.

I like to think of him as Grumpy Cat's stressed out cousin, or Jake Gyllenhal's doppelgänger.

I merely related my own personal anecdote about seeing my grandmother's knee-length breasts...swing low and free if that's your preference.

Well dearie, (proper way for an old to address a young) the study did not include women over 35, someone over 35 by a smidge or 15, please consider wearing a bra/camisole/whatever and doing a few pushups/moving around a bit/exercising occasionally to stave off the pendulous sagathon that comes to us all

Make-up artist AND stylist, if any created this monstrosity.

Yes, but to what degree they sag is something over which we can exert more than a modicum of control. I've got no problem with flaunting one's natural assets, just when I see them flaunted, I remember dear old Gran and her knee-length breasts.

Far be if for me to disagree with a searing Jezebel expose, but nope, nope nope. I wholeheartedly disagree. She wasn't THAT old and I am not too far behind her. A bit of exercise to keep the muscles firm, and support so that the skin doesn't stretch from the pendulous weight/movement of free range breasticles, and a

No, no no...awful dress. Miss Havisham's wardrobe had nothing on this, except a better color palette. I have no problem with avante garde fashion (for the most part) or straying from the "norm" but that is one. ugly. dress. Messy, lumpy, draggy, poorly fitted. I cannot find one redeeming quality in that dress. Her

Well, I am definitely an old, and mine could pass for a couple of decades younger than IRL - only because I keep the girls supported all the time, even when sleeping. Being a never-nude, this causes me no anguish.

She is riding a Segway. I believe you mean "segue".