
Yep...they've been doing that for an eternity. The Hunchback of Notre Dame was one thing (one bad thing) but wasn't turning Anastasia into a children's cartoon a brilliant idea? Violent revolution and the slaughter of the entire family of the Tzar sounds like a great premise for an animated musical. Were there talking

What is "barley punk rock"? Some gluten-free alternative music genre?

I won't be as snarky if you won't be so nasty.

That wasn't there when I wrote my post... sorry.

That's how I saw the baby thing, too. His wife and son wanted him gone, but he could still have his daughter, until he realized he couldn't. Sometimes it's difficult to "like" a show where there's so rarely a character with any redeeming qualities (Hello, Sons of Anarchy) but this is an amazing show.

He said "currently on tv"... not to be too nitpicky.

Yes. I understand all of that. My point is this ridiculous "social contract" we've all supposedly signed doesn't exist. I TIP. I URGE EVERYONE TO TIP. But telling me to stay home or eat at McDonalds because I'm too cheap to tip pisses me off. Because I DO tip. Just don't tell me I HAVE to. We tip because we're all

I have not experienced the hissing noises, but I am in California, perhaps it is a regional disgusting affectation? Whatever the reason, it sounds revolting.

I just read on another thread that it's a/nother way to equate women as fuckable objects, not people, a theory with which I agree. I wish I could have articulated it that well myself.

And the stomach churning "kissing" noises. I've never understood their whole thought process. In your puny what-serves-as-a-brain do you put together a scenario where I would be attracted by that? But it does make more sense that they're deliberately creating a power dynamic wherein the woman feels uncomfortable.

Collections agencies, fees, stress, fear of ever going to the doctor again, and the cycle begins anew. If you don't pay it, they can't DO anything, except to continue trying to get their money back. Many of us live in terror of finding out we have a debilitating disease/car accident/random stranger rampage in our

I have never watched this show, and heretofore assumed I probably never would. (beside the fact I have no cable and no antenna reception where I live). That being said, I will find someone who watches, I will make a new friend if I have to (gak) walk the five miles to their house, uphill in the snow BOTH WAYS to call

Also, we have a system in which industries profit off of the health of patients. Going to the doctor is not free for the majority of us, and getting a prescription is not necessarily a given. Something as simple as a toothache is not simple at all when you have no medical insurance and/or limited finances. People

You mean the 70s, right?

It's now oh-so-painfully clear that you are an imbecile. I apologize for taxing your unfortunately under-developed brain. I disengage.

Thank you for agreeing that I am not obligated to tip! Since the part about me being a generous tipper and believing one should tip their wait-staff wasn't mentioned in your response, I'll just take it that you're being obtuse. Reading Comprehension is quite obviously not your friend, but you and your pal

If you can explain to me where I'm wrong, then I'll happily consider your point. All you've said I'm ignorant. I never said tipping was wrong, or wait-staff didn't deserve to be tipped. I also said I personally tip quite generously. What I don't believe is that I'm obligated to tip, and since your obdurate insistence

Yeah. Exactly what I expected from an entitled little weenie like you. Grow up.

Talk about endemic ignorance - it is exactly the opposite. Yes it is EXTRA MONEY. We go to a business, purchase an item or service and then are expected to supplement the employee's wages outside the price of the good or service we purchased.

She changed her whole face.