
Thank you. This "tip or stay home" bullshit is...bullshit. In no other industry does one have the option of receiving extra money from the client for a job well done - it's certainly not a social contract. It's more like "we understand that they don't want to pay you very much (because they can get away with it) and

I'm sad for you that you can identify the odor of a chicken's ass. :(

No...I'm with you.

Sorry, any mention of hedgehogs makes me think of this.

I know I'm late to this game-show but (completely irrespective of context) I applaud your epic take-down skills.

I'm not a christian, at all. I don't believe Jesus died for our sins. I believe he was a very wise man, with a small following, who because of timing, circumstance and superstition (every religion has a similar archetype or archetypes). The bible was written, as I mentioned, generations after Jesus' lifetime, and is

Perhaps expand your reading/studying to include religious studies outside "christianity". The bible was written several hundred years after the "whole Jesus thing" and gospels included in the bible were not ALL that were written - there is the Gospel of Judas, the Gospel of Mary (Magdalene)...among others. The

I mentioned this earlier (and am still in the grey)."How DID people call their penises and vaginas in ye olden dayes? Obviously not a telephone, or even a telegraph. Did they just yell, 'OI! John Thomas!! WAKEY WAKEY!'"

How DID people call their penises and vaginas in ye olden dayes? Obviously not a telephone, or even a telegraph. Did they just yell, OI! John Thomas!! WAKEY WAKEY!"

Graboid. :)

Speaking of Ayn Rand...I went with my best friend and her 14 year old to Brandy Melville (well hello again, 80's thrift store fashion why are you now so expensive, and so small?) WHY, please gawd tell me why they have John Galt all over the store? I have searched in vain for a clue on this (and many other things) on

There is most definitely a job that consists of choosing songs for a soundtrack - they are given titles like Music Supervisor and similar... Whether all films use someone in that position...????? Dunno. (The score is music composed for the film.)

I'd never thought of it that way, but you're very probably right!

Yes. A wedding gift is not booty from a grade school birthday party. A registry is not like the list your parents asked for at Chrismahannukwanza when you were five, compiled from the Sears Wish Book. Ok, it's maybe kind of like that, but there should be no resentment should your wishes from the list not be fulfilled,

Even if they did have a registry they'd still have to accept getting gifts they don't like or can't use. Wow. I can't understand feeling this way about a GIFT someone gave you that they most certainly didn't have to, but did because they apparently care about you. It is not the obligation of the wedding guest to pay

Perhaps I'm a fan of nuance, or subtlety, hell I don't even know Grlpn, but I find it difficult to believe that he was actually talking about BEARS! It's an idiom. (perhaps I should have done this - it's an idiom) "Don't poke the bear...!" Don't put yourself in danger!! Don't know why I'm defending his statement so

{See your comment above "grizzlies are animals; your analogy, you are saying it is a man's natural instinct to rape women."} See?? You were in actuality one of the people taking it too literally. I think it was a perfectly apt analogy, and was not meant to infer/imply/hint/divulge/reveal that men were at all

Aaagh. Not agreeing or disagreeing with the analogy - It may or may not be false, depending on your relationship with bears. (and yes, I know what an analogy is) People were taking it as if he were literally saying "men are like bears" that was MY entire point. "Men are NOT like bears! They don't have claws, aren't

I'm not saying it's a perfect comparison. I'm saying he's not saying "men are like bears." It's more like you're not exactly sure what's going to happen if you poke that ol bear, so best not - not exactly sure what's going to happen when you get blind drunk so you best not. (And we're not talking about getting drunk,