
Thanks for the thoughts - I'm years beyond all of the drama :) I never read anything you said as "blaming the victim". (Seriously, how much more clear about that could you be?) Since I'm late to this party (most of these comments were from yesterday) I read them in succession, and it's like a bull seeing red - they

I was just on another thread where someone said getting blackout drunk wasn't a good idea in any circumstances and they piled on that person too. I think many, many people - if they're being honest - will admit that "what was she thinking?" ran through their heads when they heard about this case. It has nothing to do

Holy crap. Why is everyone taking this "poke the bear" thing so literally? He wasn't likening men to bears. He was saying doing something supremely ill-advised is LIKE POKING A BEAR because you put yourself at risk for something you would otherwise avoid!!! Don't poke the bear = don't do stupid shit.

What you are saying is true, but has nothing to do with his comments. Living with a family member who is a rapist or having a friend who was heretofore unknown to be a rapist is not the same thing as avoiding drinking enough alcohol at a party with strangers so that you black out for hours. Blaming women for getting

When my then-boyfriend and I were car shopping, the dealer where I purchased my first car told boyfriend all about why this was a great car/deal/investment. To me, he pointed out that there were two cup holders.

If you've gleaned this knowledge about the origins/meanings of tattoos from your friends or people you know, I don't want to know/see/be around any of you judgmental fucks. In my experience, people who "used to" do "cool" things but are now find such things beneath them are not just generally, but specifically

It so chaps my cupcakes that this happens. When I see people reading packages in the aisle at the drug store I must interject "uh...sorry to interrupt, but if you'll notice, the box of [insert sleep aid here] is really just benedryl and here's 100 tablets for $4 instead of the 12 tablets for $10 you have in your

I guess if you think about it - hypothetically - there could be a situation where actor b/g-friend has actual sex with another actor in a movie, where - hypothetically - their partner would be "ok" with it. It's just real sex isn't "acting" and the amount of uh...effort required of both participants to accomplish a

I think were the girlfriend not hypothetical you might think differently.