Snape is the Cheshire Cat!

handcrafted. the saponification process when lye reacts with fats naturally creates glycerin, which is a humectant. most manufacturers extract the glycerin from their product. (I guess they want to use the glycerin in lotion?) anyway, small scale crafters whipping up soap in their kitchen don't have the technology to

MILLIHELEN HALP ME! i have a makeup question but the topic right now is phthalates! aaagh!

holy shit that sounds awful. i’ve heard magnesium deficiency can increase morning sickness, do you know how much magnesium is in your prenatal pills? maybe something to check.

there is a diet meant to heal the gut called GAPS. it’s kind of a hippie type thing to do, a lot of the GAPS stages are similar to paleo. i don’t know if it would help you or not, it’s just the thing I’ve heard of meant to heal the gut.

one of the most intriguing things I ever read about the Leviticus rules for what to eat or not eat was in a book called The Maker’s Diet by Jordan Rubin. He said that if you look at all the animals that were off limits, every single one of those animals had the role in its ecosystem of “cleanup” kind of like a

I know one ! It's my aunt. She's a seventy year old nun. I made a three hour drive with her recently and we had quite the talk. She is against abortion but believes birth control is good and necessary. Pretty interesting considering my aunt is one of 8 kids and some of her cousins were families of ten or even

oh. pffft. you are dalilah darlin but you shortened your screen name. i remember now. you once mentioned and i got really excited to looknover their supplies bc i wanted to find phytokeratin,

it is cheaper, but who wants to have a couple gallons of oil sitting around their house? you don't save money if hte rest of it goes rancid before you get it used up. that and it's just bulky clutter.

I'm using grapeseed right now. not sure if it's any better or worse than hempseed, I just know it had a high percentage of linoleic acid and a low percentage of oleic acid, so I thought it was a safe choice.

yay! I was hoping other people would read it. collierLA is a very informed customer, but there are so many others reading the conversations people have that I figured it was worth posting.

it's probably just a small percentage of the caprylic triglyceride and not enough to aggravate your face. for oleic vs linoleic, all the lists with their percentages in each oil did show some amount of oleic in each one. it was all about maximizing linoleic and minimizing oleic. i don't know if it is actually possible

I have to ask though, which kind of dark circles do you have? the kind where the skin itself is actually a different color around the eyes or the kind where the skin is all the same color but thinner around the the eyes and blood vessels or muscle or something shows through?

Hydrocortisone? And here I was thinking I needed to shell out for some crazy expensive injections. I

maybe it's just a low concentration of caprylic trigylceride. not sure really.


I've been browsing the internet seeing what folks had to say about oil cleansing quite a while now, and i think I've got it figured out. if you are prone to acne you need to avoid caprylic triglyceride and oleic acid and also look for a high percentage of linoleic acid. if you are not prone to acne then you can get

that sucks. but you might still have success with the Oil Cleansing method. coconut oil has a certain fatty acid in it, of course i can't remember the name of it, argh. but it's known that coconut can be comedogenic. if you're curious to see what putting straight OIL on your face does, try some cold pressed organic

I looked up Data and I've realized he has the wrong style nose. At this point I'm starting to think Thrawn is actually Lucius Malfoy.


YESSSSSSSSSS! thank you! proof that I am not insane! (at least not insane with regards to this one particular thing)