Snape is the Cheshire Cat!

YES. Blythe is the only Gilbert to name a dick after.

I just requested it online from my library too, and I was request number 96. i’m not the only one who wants to read trashy shit!

I thought it tasted like rubbing alcohol. now granted as a kid i did not drink rubbing alcohol, but I’d smelled it plenty and that was my opinion!

Kate actually blends her eyeliner. Pippa on the other hand looks like she put it on with a Sharpie.

that is heartbreaking, literally. And I can’t do a damn thing about but I just wanted to tell you I’m thinking of you and hoping you can manage somehow. (internet hug)

hey, that’s better than nothing. a lot of medications need to sort of build up in your bloodstream, so remembering to take them is actually pretty important. that totally counts for your victory.

you give good advice. I used to do the exact same thing, the judging and putting down for having a crap day. I figured if i couldn’t be productive the least I could do was feel guilty about it! so glad to be over that kind of thinking. no more judging, period.

I’ve been with my boyfriend for three years and I still try to avoid being near the bathroom when I know he is going to poo. I just don’t want to hear these things. I also try to use the other bathroom so he can’t hear me do it. Maybe I’m prissy but oh well. it’s how I am.

you know there was once a Mother of the Year Award given to Michelle? how stupid is that. there is not a chance in hell she is able to give the needed attention to all her kids. it is simply not possible. they should have called it the Mother Who Teaches her Kids the Bible and Pleased Me By Doing So award.

curiosity is inevitable. it’s how you act on it that matters. Jessa is just dumb. “he was a little too curious about girls.” NO. his curiosity was fine. there was nothing wrong with his damn curiosity! it was his means of exploring it that was bad. UGH.

yeah that’s gross. but Quiverfull families are known for not socializing a lot with outsiders, so.... ugh.

that “safeguards” thing is just dumb. they should have gone to the root of the problem. had josh talk to a real psychologist about the importance of consent and how it’s completely normal to have a libido at his age and he does not need to feel like a SINFUL SINFUL SINNER but he does need to understand how to respect

honestly, I think his daughter might be ok/safe. I do believe that he had some normal teenage adolescent curiosity about girls. i also believe that JimBob and Michelle made their kids think that sex was a terribly dirty thing and Josh had no idea that he could engage in sexual experimentation in an open, above board,

he looks like napoleon dynamite.

in a quiche because I find eggs alone to be kind of bland.

do you consider that recipe to be an omelet? i used to think that any sort of eggs scrambled with tasty stuff in them was an omelet. Then I learned the official omelet way is to fry the eggs mostly flat, leave the fixins in the middle, and then fold it shut like an eggy envelope.

IMO the smartest thing to do is lotion then after that oil. water has the ability to evaporate out of our skin but i don’t think oil can do that. so I would start with the watery thing and then layer the oil on top of it trying to SEAL IN THAT WATER. that’s my hypothesis anyway...

you have to love that lactic acid. so nice to exfoliate out some of your problems, but comes with a price of slight burning. supposedly it will help with my keratosis pilaris, but i’ve never used it consistently enough to find out.

your body won’t absorb lotions? that might be... totally logical. most lotions contain mineral oil, and my internettings tell me that mineral oil is too large a molecule to absorb into the skin. if you can find a lotion without mineral oil you might have better luck.