Snape is the Cheshire Cat!

Former Clippers owner got an award from the NAACP. Irony seems to be creeping up on folks lately.

Learn to be okay with those days. Take them as they are. Embrace the wallowing. The thing that is really making you feel shitty is the guilt that you aren’t doing something more “productive”. Maybe your body and mind need the YOU time. Give yourself that time and the. The next day or two decide, “That was beneficial,

I can’t imagine how I’d feel and act if I was a teenager who’d been taught that all of the things I was feeling sexually were caused by Satan. That’s astoundingly fucked up.

Not really: am omelet is more of a pocket. You would cook the egg until it’s like a pancake, and then fold it over....technically. That being said, you can certainly cook the filling inside the egg before folding it.

I wasn't there, our friend took this picture. I probably would have scolded him for standing too close, but it sounds like they had to play throug turkeys all day!

This is my husband golfing last week. He said he was nervous. That is one big motherfucking turkey, in my opinion, he is standing too damn close to it.

Well, your vehicle is going to win the turkey contest every time. I was chased by a turkey once while hiking. It was terrifying. I may fancy myself a badass, but I am humbled by nature.

I have put other oils on my face, and they actually made me break out. This is the only oil that doesn’t do that - in fact, it’s a bit astringent, so I end up waiting until it’s soaked in and then putting some moisturizer on top; otherwise, my skin ends up feeling a bit dry.

Yeah that’s pretty much how I find it works. But for that reason I do like it for overnight use, because I think my skin loses a lot of moisture overnight.

I’ve started snagging my partners trimmer and doing this! It’s not what I would call “vacation ready” but for more along the lines of appropriate for people that love me or provide medical services to me. But ya, I’ve found it to be easy as hell and actually the most worthwhile solution.

RIGHT? I hate anything with menthol or peppermint in it. I don’t need burning tingling feelings in my chapped lips or on my scalp, kthxbai

No, but I will try it and report back!

They totally are. I think that’s why they were invented!

That was perfect, thank you! I want Louise!

CoverGirl makes some whipped and cream foundations. I think I use the Aquasmooth something or other, but there's also some under the Simply Ageless line.

I lurrrrve hempseed oil. I use it (among others) as a moisturizer.

Never gets old.

So, I definitely didn't have to google him because I am an old school nerd. The answer is yes. He is super in charge, and I always imagined him as very handsome.

Thrawn? The Colin Powell of the Star Wars Universe?

Now I kind of want to see what YOU see in your skull. SO, tell me which star wars books I need to read, I am always up for reading new books.