Snape is the Cheshire Cat!

why did she choose such a bright red hijab? if she gets a bunch of weird looks for wearing a FLAMING SCARLET hijab that will corrupt the data, she wont know if it was due to the hijab or the color.

I thought Jillian was awesome and gorgeous, so when she started defending Britt it actually had me reconsidering anti Britt stance. What did you think when that happened? that Jillian had somehow fallen for Britt's act? or something?

yeah I know. sometimes I empathize a little too much with animals. like I kept thinking of what it would feel like to be that goat, the complete terror of being snatched and dangling in the air and the utter panic... and it made me really sad.

well now my childhood memories are being contradicted by Google. Apparently an adult sheep is too heavy but they would gladly eat a lamb.

once at a birthday party a woman told me a story of a dog breeder she knew who sold a cute little toy dog to a woman (can't remember exact breed.) somehow it ended up disappearing. so she came back to buy another. and the breeder sold her another. then the second dog disappeared as well. the breeder said, "STOP

jewelry in a plastic candy tray! you are the second person on earth I've seen do that. the only other one was my Mom. :)

a while ago a I read on someone's blog that beef tallow is very compatible with human skin so I bought some. while you're over there smelling like tropical desserts, I'm here wallowing in beefy essence. BEEF LOTION!

I judge if it's a designer fake based on what I know of the person. Even casual acquaintances, friends of friend, I still have some some idea of how much money they make. So I have a guess at their income and some knowledge if their personality too. That's my only tactic. I probably don't know if random skyway

what if the genuine need is... feeling comfy? workout clothes are amaaaazing in that respect. maybe i just need to buy more stretchy jeans, but the difference between athletic wear and regular wear is night and day.

there is some sort of craft project where you make an old t shirt into a pillow, but that would only use of two of three of your shirts and it will still result in more stuff in your house. you still might be able to find some crafty thing to do with them. perhaps a quilt?

you know what baffles me about women in the twin cities? the prevalence of designer fakes. WHY DO YOU WANT A FAKE DESIGNER BAG? EVERYONE KNOWS THAT IT IS FAKE!

Jonathan Adler's stuff is pretty stylish. i would buy it.... IF it wasn't a jillion dollars.

too true. macy's is designed like... someone took all the brands or designers and wrote each name on a scrap of paper, then randomly tossed then down onto a blueprint. it has no organization whatsoever. WORST STORE.

i can't even remember what the absorbency speed of coconut is. whatev. it smells nice!

$80 was three products- shampoo, conditioner, repair serum.

yay! make sure you get either cold pressed or expeller pressed. as long as it's NOT extracted with chemical solvents. i'd hate for you to try an oil, react badly, then conclude that particular oil is crappy when in fact it was the extraction method more so than the oil itself.

that's hilarious, although it may have been embarrassing at the time. I always get really cocky about my ungroomedness until eventually there's one little thing that makes me question if i'm a socially presentable person. just cruising along like, "no fucks are given, suckers!" until that one moment that stops you

I'm not sure actually. I think... I got mine by going to amazon and just searching for yucca root. a very popular company among crunchy hippie diy people such as myself is and they have it too, but i don't remember what their shipping rates are like.