Snape is the Cheshire Cat!

you might like some cold pressed hemp seed oil. it will help with dryness and it's safe for acneic skin, it will not aggravate breakouts.

it sounds like you might be either licking your lips oftener than you realize or pressing them together oftener than you realize. the innermost edge of your lips will always wear off if you talk a lot or even drink out of a straw, but if you have relatively full lips simple things like talking or drinking shouldn't be

you know what's nice for keeping leg hair in check? a men's beard trimmer. SO QUICK. just the fastest thing you've ever done to your leg hair. at this point i'm so annoyed with shaving that using the beard trimmer without any guard IS my version of shaving. it's all i do! i trim. that is it.

are you open to washing yourself with yucca root? it has a pH that is very compatible with human skin and I think if you keep your acid mantle intact your skin will hold in moisture better.

you don't fail at being a woman! you're just womaning your own way.

also! the reason you're not 'supposed' to use soap on your face is two things. one, soap is basic with a pH around maybe 9 iirc? and human sebum is acidic with a pH around 5 or so and being in the basic range too long isn't good for it. that's the point of toner, to bring the pH back where it belongs. that's also why

Nancy, if you ever find yourself feeling like the olive oil takes too long to soak in after your post shower spray down, switch to sweet almond oil. there are lots of websites listing the absorbency speed of various oils for people who want to make lotion and such.... and I've discovered that olive oil is one of the

J Lo is gorgeous, but she has some of the worst taste in make up possible.

really? i always felt like steaming helped. even when I wasn't oil cleansing i always liked steaming my face.

probably some amount of talent, yes, but still not as much as if you actually tried to paint a design on to your actual hands.

it's call the oil cleansing method and it's based on the idea that like dissolves like. water is a polar molecule and oil is nonpolar. water based products may not be as good at dissolving oil as oil based products are. you steam your face to open up pores, put some oil on your face, and massage the oil in for 5-10

it might have made your friend's hair harder to comb by messing with the hair's cuticles. that mix sounds like it is a little too alkaline/basic for human skin/scalp/hair. human sebum does have an acidic pH, that is why the vinegar rinse is so important. putting the pH back down where it belongs smooths the cuticles

You might like using yucca root. it's literally a plant that contains natural saponins. UBER NATURAL. when i first read about it online, the blogger person said she just mixes the dry yucca root powder with water to form a paste and shampoos with that. i tried and i could not get it rinsed properly off my head so that

how do you feel about the diy nail decal trend, that thing where you paint a design onto some wax paper, let it fully dry, peel it off, then use some wet polish to glue it to your nails? is that feasible for you?

how do you feel about the whole "homemade nail decal" trend where you paint a design onto wax paper and then polish/glue it onto your fingers? yea or nay?

I recommend taking biotin supplements, supposedly they help grow stronger nails. I've yet to try it though. the most helpful thing I've read for at home manicures is get ALL THE OIL off your nails before you polish them. oil interferes with the polish bonding to your nail. I usually take some rubbing alcohol and a

tell the hospital what you did. They will check their records of who else had a baby that night. You can get the child returned to her true parents and your cheating girlfriend can have her own daughter.

I don't like it when people's hair hides their faces, but... I still like Hozier.

i listened again and he did sing it, pretty faintly. i'm wondering how much the microphone interacts with his various volumes as he is going through a song. i thought maybe a mic evened out someone who had lots of different volumes but apparently not? idk. i'm not a sound engineer.

Hozier included one note in the phrase "deathless death" that is in a higher part of his range and he needs quickly switch from his chest voice to his head voice and back down again. I always listen for it when he performs live to see how he will handle it without all the studio magic editing to assist him. tonight it