Snape is the Cheshire Cat!

that picture makes him look SO MUCH like John Stamos. does he actually look like John Stamos or is it just that one photo?

Dreaming in Cuban by Cristina Garcia. so elegantly done.

fuck yes! Alan rickman forever. He's Snape, you know ;)

well you used the correct case of pronoun in that comment so i think despite avoiding reading snorefests you obviously have a pretty good grasp of The English.

this article mentions another organization that is trying to distribute menstrual cups to east african women. if you want to start donating and spreading awareness this could be another company to get behind?…

Courtney stodden is gorgeous. It drives me bananas to see her in unflattering makeup. some people really love to wear cold, metallic, pale lip colors. like, "make you resemble a robot" lip colors. I really wish she wouldn't do that. Courtney Stodden and Jennifer Lopez are two of the worst offenders. NO MORE PALE LIP

whelp, I've never been addicted to anything. so i advise you to keep doing what you are already doing, posting on jezebel. there are plenty of people who have been in your shoes and will know more than I do.

holy crap... that's a lot to take in. I don't know what to think about your therapist. It's her job to be objective and professional, so judging you would be very inappropriate. But everyone has their personal issues, so you could be right in thinking she'd let her own personal past influence the counsel she gives

OH MY LORD i had a conversation on facebook a couple weeks ago that made me feel like I'd just lost my intersectional feminist virginity. like every single cliched numbskull line possible. "racism against white people" and "i have black friends" and such. It was like getting initiated into a club or something. I've

humectants are amaaaaaazing. I can put some Cerave on then once its absorbed put plain water on... I can tell some of the water is staying in my skin, like, i can FEEL the water in my skin.

READ THIS BLOG POST! she tells you how to choose an oil for the oil cleansing method. I haven't oil cleansed in a while, but when I do I'll make sure to choose one that has the right balance of fatty acids.… wait, you said grapeseed? ok well you're already doing it

I haven't even done the OCM lately. I'm just going around sharing the link to the blog that tells you which oils to use so that other people will know how to do it right. i'm an oil missionary, spreading the word!

If you are determined to avoid sulfates, you can use actual, real, authentic soap. yes soap, it won't kill your skin. it will be basic instead of acidic, so you will need to use a toner afterwards to restore the right pH, but that's true of damn near every cleaning product/face wash. so many cleaning products are

this is where I LEARNED to be liberal. I think of this website as where I grew up, in a sense.

I had no idea this was important till I took up Paleo esque eating and started reading some very crunchy blogs. gut health is a big thing among that crowd. I learned that antibiotics can leave you very vulnerable if they wipe out your good bacteria along with the disease causing bacteria and I thought GOOD LORD HOW

I had a similar experience on Retinol. Everyone said there was a "purge" at the beginning and I just could not deal with that purge stage. so I quit. I'm still putting it around my eyes though since I think the eye area doesn't produce sebum or something? it's definitely different from the rest of my face.... somehow.

Do you do the oil cleansing method? I just read a blog about it and learned that the ratio between two different fatty acids in the oil is very important. I have read about oil cleansing on line numerous times but NEVER heard anyone else mention this. I feel like I have the secret to successful oil cleansing and need

well thats depressing. I myself just had an argument on facebook about whether or not police engage in racial profiling. I learned an important lesson: don't talk to ignorant people because you will despair for the future of America. talk to smart cool enlightened people so as to avoid bottomless pit of depression.

I am blooooooown away by the amount of clay she puts in her mouth. i've put clay in my mouth because it's a really natural option to brush your teeth with, but it feels awful. the clay is so absorbent it absorbs every bit of saliva instantly so it just feels terrible. the fact that she is able to chew and swallow it

I want to find the rock eating woman and demand that she try clay. if she really can't beat her addiction she could at least eating something that DOESN'T RUIN HER TEETH. clay for all!