Snape is the Cheshire Cat!

I have put clay mask powder directly into my mouth like this woman does and it is THE WORST. clay is an excellent natural alternative to toothpaste for hippie folks such as myself, but it is MANDATORY that I mix the clay with water first. the clay is super absorbent so the instant it gets in my mouth every drop of

Oooohhhh that is rough. My cousin had a similar experience. She miscarried three times and then finally had a successful pregnancy. Her little girl is about two now. We're not close so I was hearing all this second hand from my mom who was talking to her sister/my aunt, but I know it was very traumatic. Hang in there,

You could be boring and get her a candle... or a ten dollar gift card to barnes and noble.

"so much respect" for the fact that she told the truth as she experienced it? sounds like you have some pretty low expectations for women and/or rape victims. women tell the truth all the damn time. it's not special when we tell the truth, it's normal. what you said is pretty insulting.

yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah that is really condescending. you have so much respect for her for... telling the simple truth? you sound like you have really low expectations for women and/or rape victims. women tell the truth all the damn time. don't act like it's special when a woman tells the truth about her experience.

you feel like it's children's literature because it IS children's literature. the books are meant for kids. adults got into them because magic and fantasy are just so damn fun.

Is it really so bad to make it up as you go? I thought that was pretty common. People ought to be able to get away with making it up as they go so long as they are able to think ahead and consider how a current choice will affect future story options... right?

Do you actually like this clip? When I watched it all I heard was, "Old white man likes sound of own voice, is arrogant wanker, talks down to others."

oh! you should know if cocoa butter is unrefined, it still smells like chocolate. not sure how your non chocolate eating family would feel about that. I personally love it, totally delicious and i don't bother to buy a separate flavor/scent oil. and unrefined beeswax smells like honey, pretty convenient.

I wish! we're in different states. i'd love to babysit this lil cutie. the way we all crowded around her and took turns holding her at Thanksgiving was hilarious. she's basically the family celebrity.


also, (sorry to spam you so much, I started making chapstick a while ago and I am slightly obsessed) this is a very thrifty choice. If i wanted to make a Burt's Bees replica, the ingredients in one tube of it might cost me fifty cents, at the absolute maximum. It's probably closer to a quarter for each tube. (I've

i know! couldn't you just watch it forever? This is like, my standby for when cute animals are necessary. Any time someone in Saturday Night Social mentions needing some cuteness, this is what I recommend.

yeah... food can be a pretty good present. I like how you consume it and it is then gone. it's not eh kind of gift that will just be clutter. I'm all about consumable presents.

I'm glad I read this comment. I have some old asparagus that is really dry. I thought maybe steaming it would make it edible, but making it a soup could be even better. Also i love my immersion blender. So I don't need to puree separately, I can just leave the asparagus in the pot!

Now playing

The youtube channel that Animal Planet has made for their baby animal series "Too Cute"

Chapstick. If you have a co-op or organic ish store near you they may sell things like beeswax, cocoa butter, shea butter. Once you've got those things all you need is some oil. Olive is fine if you want to raid the kitchen. Sweet almond oil is a good basic skincare oil if you want to buy one for the chapstick

good for you, but now i want to hear what all the presents are. I'm pondering my own family and what to get them. Perhaps your choices shall inspire me?

Anybody feel like collaborating on gift ideas? I'm trying to think of a really fun indulgent gift for my brother and sister in law. They have a 7 week old baby (first time parents) and I'm determined to get them something NON baby related, something just for them, to enjoy when they have time. Don't say sex toys, my