Derek Spencer

You know, I’m sick and tired of hearing people slam MSM all the time. I think it gets a bad rap, honestly. In fact, I think it’s underrated! I know the takeout I get from the Chinese place down the road wouldn’t be the same without it.

I love this goddamn website.

Aw, thanks!

Fucking incredible. All the superlatives belong to you.

“Which college did you go to, Sarah?”

Wouldn’t it be great if the Dodgers changed their name to the Dogdgers for this one glorious night?

This is a good sports adolescent.

Oh. Oh, this is good.

Mr. Burneko, you are doing some outstanding work lately.

Nihilist Arby’s is also the best thing about Twitter.

Get in on Rocket League (PS4/PC [with cross-platform play !]) if you can.

Fuck this dentist.

People can’t be trusted to film in landscape mode. There is only one solution: we must eliminate rectangular phones and make only square phones from now on.

Magnificent truth.

Note: I will not actually keep your advice in mind. It was bad advice presented in a spirit of meanness.

I now believe in magic with all of my heart because of the words you made happen. Thank you for writing these magic words.

Truly a great theme for the start of an adventure.

Someone more positive might call what I did “Joining a conversation started by someone whose work is great and weird and inspirational, not for the sake of star points but for the sake of having playful word fun,” but I’ll keep your advice in mind!

I hope I am not overstepping my bounds, but a small clarification for your readers:

I see the Redditor exodus has begun