“You. Yes, you.” probably doesn’t like the fact they are Christian. They do a lot of things anyone would agree with - jobs for the poor, cheap clothing and home goods, food distribution, etc. They also tell people about Jesus.
“You. Yes, you.” probably doesn’t like the fact they are Christian. They do a lot of things anyone would agree with - jobs for the poor, cheap clothing and home goods, food distribution, etc. They also tell people about Jesus.
Holy crap, 3 and 5? Why even have kids???? That seems like baby farming, just for toddlers.
I’m watching because Tyra isn’t on it. I gave up half way through the social media disaster season. The last few seasons before that became harder and harder to watch because Tyra was such an ego monster. OMG! Tyra is going to be America’s Next Top Reality Host President.
Coco already did a modeling show with Naomi Campbell and someone else. Karolina, maybe? The models each had teams and competed against each other. When Naomi started losing, she made them all cry.
And she has the nerve to brag about her ability to “brand” herself. WHAT BRAND?
“but he’s also a cruel, selfish grifter.”
Can we stop criticizing Mitt for going for SOS? He’s sane, competent, and qualified-qualities sorely lacking in most of Trump’s cabinet picks. Also, he’s at least somewhat willing to criticize Trump, at least enough to completely unhinge Kelly Anne. I take that as a good sign.
‘Round these parts, we call her “WHO?” for a reason.
In the video Rita Ora keeps on talking about how she’s established a “brand,” and she’s an expert at branding, etc. etc....yet I have no idea what her brand is. In fact, I’m not even sure how she became famous. I just vaguely recall that she’s a pop singer, but I can’t even name or recall any of her songs off the top…
Rita Ora can’t teach them how to be a supermodel. But she can teach them how to be a celebrity despite no discernible talent or success in any area and no actual reason to be considered a celebrity, which might be the best life advice these girls can get.
My guess is that she had the charisma and hosting ability they wanted. Finding a semi-famous model with those skills isn’t easy.
I hear that. Rita is fine. She has some financial savvy and industry wisdom to impart, but no one can deny that Tyra had the goods.
Came here to say the same thing. Like the shots of her they showed look amazing, but she’s no Tyra. She’s not even an Ashley Graham. I don’t get it.
I guess the ones with enough name recognition wouldn’t do it. Coco Rocha would never. Guest, maybe, but she wouldn’t host.
Ashley Graham is the model on the panel.
Social progress is only abstract if you’re not the one society is shitting on.
Actor, DJ, and German Prince of Dread Ansel Elgort does not like Donald Trump. This, by all logic, would mean that I…
Hey pals, just jumping down here to make a couple of quick comments. There are SO MANY legitimate reasons to criticize Melania Trump. Slut-shaming, particularly by referencing her nude photos, is not one of them.
I’ll say it if nobody else will.