Snacktastic Part III: the Return of the Spatula

BRITAIN: Brexit is the stupidest, most self-destructive act a country could undertake. USA: Hold my beer.

I am sure when Alex’s inevitable massive coronary approaches (so much anger), he will blame it on sky fairies and their trails. Not you know on the lifestyle. Have fun, guys.

Chemtrails come from the breath of vaccinated people.

I’m glad she took a stand against Trump, the lone racist/sexist of the Republican party. Have to let them know that this will not be tolerated .

Their kids are going to be insufferable.

Thankfully they’re unable to reproduce due to the chem-trails. ; )

Now I’m sad.

MoNa? Cripes. Are we giving nature a NYC neighborhood acronym now? Just kill me, please, ughhhhhhhh.

This made me physically sick when I saw it yesterday on Twitter. A free press is essential to democracy — the Founding Fathers understood that (even the ones like Jefferson who got savaged by the newspapers at the time.) Why can’t people living in 2016 understand that too?

Who needs terrorists to disrupt a nation’s way of life when you can just convince half of them to hate their own constitution, to want to dismantle their own rights.

Now playing

Honestly, I wish they had gone with Radney Foster’s new song because of its strong anti-Trump message and because it would shut up all the “country music=rednecks” morons. But I guess they wanted to go for pseudo-controversy rather than real controversy:

Coming from someone who voted for Sanders in the primary and gave him $150 of my own money.

I get it, this raspy-voiced, somewhat curmudgeony, old white dude isn’t popular around these parts but I’m not ashamed to admit I absolutely love him and have since I first heard him as a kid. My parents were of that era and had pretty great taste in music but Dylan was a glaring omission in their collection so it

You hit the nail on the head with Weld. He is one of the last of an effectivly extinct-in-the-wild breed of Northeast Republican. That brand of fiscally conservative yet socially liberal (or at least left-leaning moderate) beast has no room left for it in the modern Republican Party.

They want to go back to the Articles of Confederation!

The spoiled-Randian-male archetype ALWAYS falls off the bus right there. You want unfettered personal liberty, bro? OK, stay the fuck out of my uterus.

Roe v. Wade is federal overreach? Wtf does he think keeps abortion legal in the first place? Santa Claus? It’s like saying that you don’t think that men should beat their wives, but laws against domestic violence are over reach.

You are correct, except that Weld personally can’t work with anyone. His ego is infamous and he burned a bunch of bridges back in the 90s. He let in the more rabid Republicans.