Snacktastic Part III: the Return of the Spatula

Exactly. I do think there is room to talk about the complex feelings that sometimes arise after a loved one with a severe mental illness commits suicide. A lot of people do feel some relief, and that is also often judged pretty harshly and really shouldn’t be. It’s not that different from nursing someone through a

My friend suspects her brother has schizophrenia and it is quite scary. But my friend and I will agree with you that his life has value, regardless of how his mind is working at the moment. I’m sorry you’ve got this condition to work with, but it sounds like your brother has a good support system in you.

And as for the

So glad he’s doing well! That’s wonderful. And thank you. I miss her always and this piece was just a stake in the heart to her memory. Her friend sounds a lot like my friend in many ways and I hate that she had people like the author in her life.

THIS. After working in therapeutic group homes with kids everyone else has given up on, I just want to scream to the world: PEOPLE SUFFERING FROM MENTAL HEALTH DISORDERS STILL HAVE VALUE AND THEIR LIVES DO TOO.

I lost my best friend with shizophrenia to suicide and it was one of the worst things I ever read. If anyone ever said such things about her to me they’d get straight decked. The stigma is terrible. Love to your brother. Living with it takes immense strength so I know he’s strong. I couldn’t have hated it more.

This. Not only is she hideous to someone who was supposedly her best friend at one time, I couldn’t believe how she talked about this girl’s family. My partner’s cousin has schizophrenia as well and the lengths to which the entire family has gone to get her help (and failed) is heartbreaking. Her mom’s struggle is

He misspelled it (I wish I didn’t know that), but he’s not wrong.

I’ve been pretty proud of us with our choices. I do think Chaka Fattah is going down though. I hope Renee finds another TV job though. I like her.

I’d say Philadelphia is doing ok these days in the local leadership department. When your last mayor calls Trump “an asshole” in front of television cameras and some hundred or so religious leaders and your current mayor is dropping travel bans left and right on every state that even thinks about implementing a

Rendell, not unlike Chris Matthews are a type of ‘born and raised in Philadelphia and filled with anachronistic ideas about women and people of color’ that othe Philadelphians just kind of shake their heads and chuckle about. Like your old racist great uncle who says crazy things at the dinner table.

I thought the sweater thing was actually making fun of their viewers who were having a tizzy. The message seemed to be, “what, viewers, do you want her wearing a grey bag over her beautiful dress?”
There’s another clip where she wears a dress that blends in with the background, and the bluescreen starts showing up on

I thought that dress was an odd choice because it seemed more cocktail than meteorologist, but not because her scandalous shoulders were showing.

I feel old.

This isn’t about reality, Shep, this is about feelings.

This isn’t about reality, Shep, this is about feelings.

I am going to need to read this article in stages, as it is both long and terrifying. I like the cats at the top though.

I’m wearing Old Navy jeans as I type this message.

Well, apparently you view your most important role as constructing fundamentally dishonest strawmen for you to summarily demolish.

Yeah. It’s frustrating. But I also find it frustrating to see privileged white people like me look at people like that and ridicule them for their stupidity without taking the time to really consider WHY someone might have a perspective like that, what circumstances led to them being undereducated, and how someone